"Let Me In" (US remake of "Let the Right One In") trailer

Don't flatter yourself with self-gratified speculation, the thread that quote was from (although originally older) was front page here the other day, and I happened to read it, there wasn't any searching involved it was short term memory...

If that was all it was then it might be different, but it's far from limited to just that, it's pretty much an entire re-write... I also see absolutely no reason for the name changes, none at all... Even the lame attempt at Americanization excuse falls flat...




Oscar (American Spelling)


Failed Hollywood attempts at Americanization...

:lol Ok, ok, you win that round!

I'm glad someone brought up Nikita. That was a great movie, and I knew there was no way the remake was going to have the wit, charm, style, and subtlety of the French version. Yes, the basic plot elements are there, but I guess it's the difference between fine arts and crafts. Anyone can be trained to make a craft. Art is a bit harder to pin down.

I'm not inherently anti-remake. I'm a staunch defender of the 2007/9 Halloweens, I enjoyed the new Dawn of the Dead...but sometimes I'm so invested in the original I can't judge the remake on its own merit. I'll never willingly see the Texas Chainsaw remake, because I cherish the original. I saw and hated the Friday the 13th remake, but its existence doesn't bother me or anything. I just didn't care.

LTROI being remade makes me suspicious the same way I tend to be suspicious of movies based on books I love (I saw the film first in this case). Man, Interview with a Vampire sucked. I'm sure The Road was a good movie, but I love the book too much. Shawshank Redemption? Home run. Watchmen: I LIKED the changes they made better. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. Like LOTR, didn't care for Harry Potter.

What I'm saying is I'm not a knee-jerk anti-remake guy. Just hesitant. I try to think of it as theater: every time a play is produced with new actors, director, sets...it's different. Nobody thinks it's wierd to have 4 or 5 version of Macbeth on DVD. It is what it is, just different interpretations of the material. I love Macbeth, but also love Kurosawa's Throne of Blood, even though once it's stripped of location and language, only the bare essentials of the plot remain, and even many of those are changed.

Like people have said, a remake doesn't take the original away from me. I'm just protective of what I love and worry about adaptations, reboots, sequels, etc tarnishing them. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Matrix. :lol
I read the book and saw the Swedish version and was hoping for a lot more. AS a horror movie, it does stand on it's own, but I think they miss out on a lot of the suspense that could be taken from the book. There were a lot more murders that sent the town into a fear the serial killer panic. I figured when I saw they changed the main character's name from Eli to Abby, they were going to toss the back story all together, which is a shame.
So, as a horror movie it was decent. As a movie based on a book, like most, it was lacking.
I'm probably spoiled by the original, but the remake was just ok. It just lacked feeling.
LOL, batdemon, check it out. Is this the tidiest bit of modding you've ever seen, or what?! :thumbsup
yep. the mods are good.

I also didn't like how he began the movie with taking the "Father" to the hospital. For me it lessened the build-up and shock of the scene.
I also like how the Swedish version handled Eli/Abby's feeding scene's. That was creepier than some white contact lenses.
Finally saw "Let Me In". Thoughts: we don't know what Owen saw through the door. Abby said several times she wasn't a girl, as per the original. The possibility is left open that Abby is also a eunuch.

All in all, a very respectful remake. Much of the same atmosphere as the original though the supporting cast get shorter shrift and the film isn't as economical somehow.

A good film, but not an improvement on the original. It's a great showcase for a couple of great young performers, but otherwise the sole point seems to be to cater to the American aversion to subtitles.
I finally got around to seeing the remake too, and it was a piece of garbage, which I expected. Original was way better, had a better atmosphere, more feeling, oh, and no CRAPPY CGI.
The American DVD of the original without the theatrical subtitles was a disappointment. I saw the theatrical version first months before it landed on DVD. I showed it to my girlfriend at the time when it landed on DVD, and she wasn't impressed. The only thing I could think to tell her was it was better with the original subtitles.
Saw Let Me In recently. It is accurately described as a remake of sorts of the first movie, but cut to the bone of character and emotional connection and development of the story, centering exclusively on the kids and somewhat forgetting all the others. Instead of drawing more from the book with the remake and go into aspects the original film didn't explore, it just feels like and amputated version of the original movie, like so many other American remakes do... as so many small things are missing that helped build the mood and empathy for the characters.

The CGI and the movements when they switched to the CGI characters, adamantly explaining that they stuck to the naturalistic and realistic approach is one of the losing points of the movie. It was so much better handled in the original movie. That was rather disappointing and the director clearly has no concept of what is natural and realistic and it's sadly jarring with how everything else is done.

To a point its just a bastardized version of the original movie... and doesn't feel much like a different adaption of the book. They added the cop, but removed so many other things... so... it just feel like a wasted opportunity... and it seems they wasted most of the budget on CGI and make-up effects.

However, with that... I still kinda like it. It has its own charm. Similar and different at the same time from the Swedish version... now I just gotta go buy that book.
I'll never understand the dislike for this movie... (or the creepy cyber stalking of certain members when a person disagree with their opinion - cough, cough :wacko).

Frankly, I don't agree with a lot of professional reviewers and often don't agree with some of the opining here on the RPF. But, this time I stand with the Professional Film reviewers whom give the movie 89% on Rotten Tomatoes.

"Unlike most remakes, this is just as good as the original, maybe even better."

"In many ways, Matt Reeves' vision is both more feral and more vulnerable than the Swedish original..."

"There was no good reason for this movie to exist beyond a lazy American disinterest in subtitles. But having said that, it's pretty great on its own."

Of course, there are a few quotes to support opposite views... but, I think the 89% ranking on Rotten Tomatoes by real reviewers (most of whom have plenty of regard for the original) trumps a few fanboys that just seem bitter about their little secret Swedish film being remade and cannot overlook the remake for being the powerful film it really is.

I appreciate the original. I think the remake is just better...
I was just expressing my opinion on what I thought about the film and what I thought about the Swedish film... and will do the same when I read the book. I'm more for subtle effects where you wonder if you are seeing things right, rather than right in your face, and in some cases over the top hitting you over the head with the effects. I do not dislike the film. I like it on its own, as well as I like the Swedish version on its own.

Comparing them is obvious as they are the same story, and maybe it's because I saw the Swedish one first that I find that that one has more of an emotional impact with me, sure. The American version to me just centers too strongly on the kids only, the effects and loses some of the emotional angle with the other characters. However, it brings a extended feeling of isolation of the two kids that perhaps wasn't like that in the other version.

That's just my opinion, like everyone else is entitled to theirs.
I haven't seen the American film. Why bother?

That's where I'm at.

I really don't want anything interfering with how much I loved the first one.

And I still remember my experience with La Femme Nikita, there was no point in that remake either.
Nothing wrong with the US remake. It stands on it's on as a beautiful and haunting film. You can't judge it if you haven't seen it.
Sometimes you just have to drag things back up...:lol Sorry but I'm late to the party on a lot of movies. ;)
I found this thread searching for prop ideas for my daughters birthday this summer, she told me about this movie last year (never heard of the original film or book), and wanted to see it, so my wife and I previewed it (yes, we did all end up watching it together). I really liked it, I'm not into horror movies, but this didn't feel like one to me. It certainly didn't have a twilight feel to it! :lol I was impressed with the film making overall and especially the performances by the child actors. I didn't find the gore over the top, nor the CGI, I actually thought both were used well, sparingly and to propel the story. My daughter has the DVD (last birthday ;) ) so I might have to re-watch it again for a better look at the props, the one thread I found in the prop section was taken over by Swedish loving torches and pitchforks! :lol:lol
Speaking of the Swedish version: I haven't seen it, but let me proceed to tell you why it sucks.....:lol just kidding!
I have been informed (while typing) that the local video store has the Swedish version, so I'll be checking it out soon :cool

Regardless of how good it is, I doubt she'll ever be a convert. :D(she's dying to make a "Let me in" fan film :lol )


Kind of OT: I liked the original GWTDT and it's sequels a lot. The American remake?....not so much, so I can see how fans of the original would be turned off to the remake.


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The original is on Netflix if you have that. They are very similar. Similar enough to me that the Remake was completely unnecessary. I recommend watching it.
Awesome idea for the gift though. Kudos.
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