Last Starfighter Star Car


Master Member
Here we go again! I think some of you might like watching this develop.

I have roughed things out so far, but a long way to go.

052824 rylos 3.png
052824 rylos 4.png

A lot of function will be involved . Renders below help to make sure things are appropriate to the references.
but at least the license plate is reliable :)

052824 rylos 5.png
052824 rylos 6.png
IIRC that car is an old VW Beetle chassis build. It was a common starting point for sci-fi prop vehicles back in the day. The new body was usually made out of some combination of steel & fiberglass.
Thanks for the kind words!

The model is destined 1/8 scale, so I want to pile a lot of detail into it so it looks 'complete'. The dash is getting cut for lighting along with headlights, signals and engines, so I've been adding illumination in my renders to see how it will all look down the road. I am trying to also keep assembly similar to a traditional styrene kit, with a drop-out chassis, separate seats, working doors, that kind of thing. Hoping to get all of the mechanical work in before the week is out. (y)
060324 star car 1.png
060324 star car 2.png
060324 star car 3.png
1/48 is pretty small. It would make this car about 4 inches long.

1/24 or 1/25 seems more suitable.
These renders aren't going to win any awards, but just to show some progress before calling it a day :sleep:


-All glass fitted to doors and body, doors hinged
- Rear hatch mechanisms are finished, engines extend when the hatches open
-Main body and floor pan are separate and assemble similar to a typical styrene kit
-Dash installs alone so it's easier to finish (of course seats too)
-Head, tail, signal and motor lighting all sorted, and the chassis is tunneled for wiring

Still to do....

-Wheel axles and flight doors installed
-Dash cut for lighting
-Magnetic closures on the doors
-Remodel the seats to correct style
-Slots for assembly fasteners

I am sure there are odds and ends that I'm forgetting and will tidy up, but most of the heavy lifting is done. Just have to work out these wheel mech's :unsure: Thanks for looking!

0610 star car 3.png
0610 star car 4.png
0610 star car 5.png
0610 star car 6.png
0610 star car 1.png
0610 star car 2.png
I think it's about wrapped up!

She is 1:8 scale, so finished length in flight mode is around 61 centimeters long (about 2 feet). The car can convert from driving- to flight-mode, and the engines slide out of the hidden rear bays when the rear hatches are opened. All doors are functional with magnetic closures, lights and signals all have separate lenses, and the entire assembly is channeled for lighting with a hidden battery access.

I worked up some signage from the movie as well to add to the virtual 'diorama' attached. At the larger scale I would probably just display the car by itself, but the trailer park neons look great so I through together some display renders :) Thanks for looking!

**Also thanks for the kind words! This was a private commission and is not available for purchase (from me anyways ;))


061924 rylos 8.png

061924 rylos 7.png

061924 rylos 10.png

061924 rylos 1.png
061924 rylos 2.png
061924 rylos 5.png
061924 rylos 6.png
061924 rylos 4.png
061924 rylos 3.png
Really nice work! Perhaps I will have a resin printer some day and have an opportunity to print your design at my fav scale (1:48) to go with an in-scale Gunstar printed model!
Summer is made for day dreams... ha!
Again, congrats!
Regards, Robert