Key Chain Prop displays?


Sr Member
Hey guys, I was thinking about doing a display of one of those key chain mounts. With 6-8 hooks on in, in my office.
I was thinking the key to the Bates Motel, the "P" wagon key from Kill Bill...anything else come to mind?

Be really neat to have a bunch of cool key/keychains hanging...what's cool that's out there? What cool vehicle had neat/differnt chains?

13 Ghosts door key
DHARMA Initiative keychain
ZZ Top keychain
Obscure Alert: The leather fob from The Stand (book version) that Stu finds and drives for a while at the end, I forget the initials.
Not a vehicle, but how about:

Key for the terrorist bomb in "True Lies"
TARDIS key (well, okay, this one is a vehicle)

How about the key to Hell from Neil Gaiman's Sandman:

The Casino Royale 007 bomb would be pretty neat. I think someone did a run of them.

The Casino Royale 007 bomb would be pretty neat. I think someone did a run of them.


Wasn't there a keychain n one of the Dalton Bond's too...?

And was the rabbits foot in In The Line of Fire a key chain...
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There is a Terminator CPU chip on a keychain on eBay, but that's more of a prop "on" a keychain, rather than a prop keychain.

If you know what I mean.
I have the Reservoir Dogs severed ear on a keyring. People comment on it all the time. I got it off Ebay a few years ago [no pun intended]