JFcustom's FOAM files

Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

I need a break.... I'm going to have to unsubscribe from this thread if I want to finish my stuff..... awesome you unfolded these.
It is well understood that I can't be hold for responsible in any way for any hypothetical failure, partial or complete, to your graduation. :)

Those appear to be Dung0Beetle's files.
Ok thanks, I add it right now.
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

You make these templates so easy and quick to build... I want to say I only have 4 hours (while watching movies) invested in my daughters helmet and she loves it! Thank you sir!
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

This thread is so helpful! Can I suggest some saiyan armor in foam? You'd be my hero!
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

This thread is so helpful! Can I suggest some saiyan armor in foam? You'd be my hero!

Please make this happen. I've been thinking about freehanding my own, but some printouts would be very welcome.
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

Q: In the files you've provided do i have to print only the parts that are on the pages ? Or the parts that are outside have to be arranged and modified to print ?
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

Only print the parts in the pages, the parts outside the pages are either mirror images of something in the pages or unused in foam edges
Edit:I should clarify that is what JF has done with these files for foam in particular, for cardstock and resin I think you need every little bit. But I am not going to do cardstock and resin, it intimidates me.
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Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

Do you have like a PDF of this amazing projects, at the moment I only have my iPad or do you guys know any iOS software where I can view this files it will be awesome
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

I love this thread. It is going to speed up my building a lot from the look of it. Thank you, thank you and thank you so much. Can't wait to see what else you're gonna make in the future :)
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

How do you do that?
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

Oh... and if the day ever comes.... When I watch the new turtles.... I see foam....
Re: FOAM speed building files'n'tricks ►Daft Punk helmet◄ added.

My mind is officially blown...:eek

JF, Thank you so much for sharing all your foam tips and tricks.
Yhis is really going to help speed things up.