Jedi Master Plo Koon


New Member
Here are some pictures of my Plo Koon costume. I am still in the process of upgrading some of the little things.




These pictures were taken by Joe Corroney at the COSI opening weekend for his reference library.





I am in the process of adding some stuff to my boots, as in the pictures above, I got them 2 days before there COSI opening where the pictures were taken. I am repainting my resin Plo Koon hilt, and making new food capsules.

My belt and pouches are JediAgent. The mask is a rubies that I built an inner skeleton for, and airbrushed so that it didn't have the glossy look of a mask. The hands were made by cutting up some monster hands and building them around some work gloves. I have plans on doing hand casts, and sculpting the proper claws when time and money allow.
Looks great. Nice to see someone doing a suit of one of the lesser known / screen used Jedi Knights.

That lady in the Padme costume is pretty easy on the eyes too. :)
Now do the pose like the upcoming mini-bust.

Yeah dude when I get the proper stuff to do the glove I want we'll do your hands to.

You should have posted the COSI Geonosis arena picture in there that I took with Lita's camera.
<div class='quotetop'>(clutch @ Jul 18 2006, 06:39 PM) [snapback]1283446[/snapback]</div>
welcome, new-bians. I coulda sworn that was water.

What's a newbian?
It is a Rubies Deluxe that I built an internal skeleton for, took off the tusks and attached them properly as they came crooked, then airbrushed the entire mask to have a more appropriate coloring.
I'm planning to make a Plo Koon costume, but the hands seem to be the biggest issue. Anyone casting them yet?

Your costume looks great!