James Cameron - Hypocrite

He came to Alberta to ***** about our oilsands. Took
a helicopter flight around Ft. Mac.

Where does he think the fuel and oil in the airplane and
helicopter come from?
Is anyone really shocked? Al Gore complains about global warming but has a private jet. Can't escape air travel but at least fly commercial so humanity gets the most from the smog we make. So far the only celeb who walks the walk is Ed Begley Jr and he's bordering on slightly insane when it comes to being eco friendly.
He came to Alberta to ***** about our oilsands. Took
a helicopter flight around Ft. Mac.

Where does he think the fuel and oil in the airplane and
helicopter come from?

This kind of comment misses the point. What's the available alternative to jet fuel? None.

What's the available alternative to gasoline? Hybrids (although their carbon footprint isn't necessarily lower counting production, they use less gas), electric, ethanol, biodiesel, etc. Granted, the infrastructure isn't all there, and the market is still heavily in favor of gasoline, the alternatives DO exist, and as technology advances, more alternatives will become available (other biofuels made from algae, hemp, etc).

This kind of criticism is really a straw man fallacy. Nobody's saying that we can simply stop using gasoline or petroleum products today. But what people are saying is that if everyone took steps to reduce their usage of such things through the available alternatives, it would be a positive step.
He says "We're going to have to live with less."
Jim sure......sure....whatever you say Jim ;)

I've lived without Avatar.....so I'm living with less already ;)

You live in your world and control that, we'll live in ours!!
You live with what you want, I'll live with what I want.
Those kinds of people are what makes me immediately anti-global warming. It's like a king telling the serfs what to do. I say prove you're beliefs and live like you want average people to live.
I like Jim Cameron. His movies are often amazing. Seems like a smart guy. Pro environment. I'm tired of all these "he's a hypocrite because he wants us to conserve but LOOK! HE'S FLYING IN A PRIVATE JET!!!!" attacks. I just don't care. If you weigh the value of the entertainment he's created vs. the sin of flying in a private jet... it's no contest. Maybe if he owned a fleet of a thousand private 747 jets and when he flies, his gas-guzzling 747 jet fleet blots out the sun and turns day into night... then, yeah, maybe. I dunno. He made Aliens! Cut him some slack.
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BTW, California's Prop 23 is backed by corporations trying to roll back environmental protection laws. Jim's doing the right thing.
BTW, California's Prop 23 is backed by corporations trying to roll back environmental protection laws. Jim's doing the right thing.

You mean the same laws that scientific proofing was proven to be wrong or miscalculated by a huge amount? Or how many more jobs are going to be lost?

He has 3 mansions with no solar panels and no wind turbines. I'll stop living the way I WANT/CHOICE when him and Al Gore do!
By promoting a pro-environment agenda to a mass audience, both Cameron and Gore have done more to help the environment than you ever will. And you're wrong about Prop. 23
If Cameron's been successful at anything, it's that he's putting a spotlight on the oil sands. A closer public eye can motivate environmental changes. Oil and gas in Canada has a huge affect on the landscape. Managing those effects is a lot more achievable than preventing global warming by shutting the whole thing down. :eek That's just going after a symptom of the real problem, our dependency on fossil fuels.
This reminds me of the old Bugs Bunny cartoon. My name is Elmer J. Fudd, I own a mansion and a yacht. :lol

Or in J.C.s place. Three mansions (He has a compound! Well all know what the leads to. The FBI and an inexplicable fire!), a yacht, a Bell JetRanger helicopter, a big honkin' ranch. A fleet of sports cars, a Humvee Fire Engine. Okay, someone needs to explain that last on to me. Seriously. I am really curious about that one. A larger fleet of motor cycles, ann a fleet of submarines (a fleet?)!

The problem isn't that he owns any of this stuff, he has the money, and has certainly earned it. Plus all of this requires a huge staff to run and take care of, so he is employing a lot of people.

The problem is that he, like others banging this drum, is telling people that they have to do with less, while he is showing no signs of altering his behavior, like he is tell you to do. He is talking the talk, but not walking the walk.

Typical hypocrite! If you are not willing to follow your own advice, then don't give it. It only makes you look stupid!

You mean the same laws that scientific proofing was proven to be wrong or miscalculated by a huge amount? Or how many more jobs are going to be lost?

He has 3 mansions with no solar panels and no wind turbines. I'll stop living the way I WANT/CHOICE when him and Al Gore do!

The real question is, how many jobs can be CREATED by investing in innovation.

You might want to ask China, as they're now leading the pack in production of solar panels.

Those could have been American jobs. Because regardless of what you may personally think about solar energy, the market for it is clearly quickly emerging.