Jack and Sally - Nightmare Before Christmas


Sr Member
I finally saw Jack and Sally at Disneyland and "yes" these are the professional in-house costumes from the theme park and not fan-made, but I thought it might help those of you who have thought about making your own costume - especially Jack - it was very creative how they did his head and mask. I have seen a lot of other people try to pull Jack off... on Halloween, but I thought Disney did a good job.





Additional Shots:



Sally looks great but I do not like Jack at all. He looks more like your typical alien than Jack. Especially the first pic you posted
I do like how the neck is and how he is able to talk, but I think it would look better if they made it more of a sphere shape instead of a pear/oval
Yikes. Jack's costume (while I'm sure fun to look at in person) is a little terrifying in a picture. Especially when I can't tell if he's actually wearing a tailcoat like he should be.

Sally looks amazing, but I expected more from Jack. The skeleton gloves make me think of a teenager trying to pull it off on Halloween. I know it's hard to make your hands look like bones, but there are ways.

I've got a few ideas on how to pull together a convincing Jack, and I'll post them once I get around to construction (and find a person to dress as him...)