Ironman Mark 1 Helmet


Sr Member
Started on a Mark 1 helmet a while ago, worked on it off and on for a bit. Didn't like where it was going so I started a new one a week or so ago. No inprogress shots, but it started life as a piece of sintra heated and formed around an old welding helmet. The front is pretty much where I want it going to work on the back next as well as some weathering. Hope to mold/cast this in the not to distant future. :)




Thanks guys. :cool
Thought there would be more interest in this as I haven't seen another build and the replica that was released is well lacking. :confused:)
Didn't have time to do any work on the back section, but I did have some time to weather the front between coats of primer. :)



Looks very nice! I'm kind of surprised there haven't been more Mark I helmets made, too. I suppose the size of the suit prevents more attempts. Plus, it's not as slick looking as the red & gold Marks or War Machine. But I thought a Mark I mask would look good as a display.
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