Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images 1/9!)


New Member
Hello RPF! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jon, or Dave the Hamster, and I've been browsing the site for about 6 months now, marveling at what has been accomplished by so many of you. The work showcased here is truly inspiring. So much so, that after years of wanting to try a hand at making some armor, I feel I now may have the ability to create a set of my own. After seeing Iron Man 2 in theaters, and a random Google search that showed a piece of TMP armor, I went ahead with some designs for my own movie inspired armor, the X-1. I'm going with an original design for many reasons, the main one being that I don't want to be confined to trying to create a suit that is movie acurate. The X-1 is definately inspired by the movies. I consider it to be what may come down the line, but most is most closely inspired by the Mark IV, my favorite from the films.

Currently, I have the X-1 Arc built, though I'm going to be doing more work with the light, and am working in Maya 7 to create a 3D model of the suit which will be used for the Pepakura. I've completely designed the suit on paper, so it's just a matter of making that into 3D. I'll be posting updates regulary (hopefully), so check back often. I hope to have this done by next July, or Halloween at the latest.

Contructive critiques are always welcome! Thanks in advance.

Thanks for viewing, and I look forward to the build!
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Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

I'm planning on taking some new images of the Arc, minus the lights because they are so horrible, as well as scanning in my drawings by this weekend. They should be up by Saturday for all to see!
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

Hit me up if you need an unfolder :) I've done a lot of iron man unfolds
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

Would that be an unfold in Pepakura, or Maya? I can do the unfold in Maya, but I haven't anything in Pepakura yet and I only have the freeware version right now.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

I think as far as Pepakura goes you have to have the licensed version to import 3D models into it. but i could be wrong :confused
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

Hmmm.. that would be good to check on. Thanks! I'll do an export of my helmet and see if it will load into Pepakura. Otherwise I may have to spend the... I think it's $40.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

Well, here are the 2D designs and the Arc that I have thus far. I'll be updating more soon as I progress with the 3D model.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

Here is an update on the Maya 7 model of the armor that I'll be using for the Pepakura.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP

So, I've been working on designing the undercarriage for the suit. One of the things that I'm trying to avoid with this suit is what I call the "sculpted look", where creases are part of the whole piece, and parts are one whole piece when they are supposed to be multiple parts. My hope with the undercarriage, which is by no means a complex piece like in the movies, is that it'll be a good base layer to attach the rest of the armor to, as well as providing all the needed compartments for batteries, and space for wiring for the electric parts, such as the motorized mask, glowing arc, and repulsors. I'm about 1/3 done with the maya model. I'm hoping to have the model done by this weekend so I can start to mess around with the pepakura program and figure out how to get it set up for printing. I shouldn't need to make any kinds of adjustment to size, since I'm modeling it to scale in the computer. I'm 5 foot 9, (same as Robert Downey Jr.) so I'm making the model 5 foot 10, to allow for the lift of the boots that'll be wearing. Anyway, I should hopefully have some new images to show by the end of the weekend!
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

hey there davethehamster, I've been stopping in here and there and came across your thread..... And I like what I'm seeing, something new..... can't wait to see more....
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

Thank you! I've been working on this more through the week, so I'll probably be posting some new images this weekend!
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

So, been doing some more work on the Maya model. I did some resizing on the chest piece, a total redesign of the back and the flight stabalizers, modeled the waist armor, and modeled the shoulder armor. I'll be adding some more images this week. I next plan on doing the arms and the undercarriage for the back.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

I've spent a good chunk of time working on the model this past weekend. Sorry I didn't post any new pictures. I'm having a hard time staying connected to the internet at home. Anyway, I finished the arms and did some resizing to make it all fit together better. My next portion will be the hands, or as much of the hands as I will be doing with Pep, and tackling the codpiece and legs. The legs will provide a much greater degree of difficulty as I try to make it so I'll be able to move, yet still remain covered. With luck, I'll be able to post new images this week.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

This looks AWESOME!! I can't wait to see it 3D!

Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

Thanks! I should have more of the images up soon! I'm going to try to upload some tonight.
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress images!)

This is Going to be really cool
I can't wait to see pixo
Re: Iron Man Mark X-1 (Custom Design) WIP (Maya Progress Image 12/14!)

So, here we go with the update images. I'm not going to be Peping the hands, but rather I'll be making them from scratch when I get there. I still need to do the waist down, but I'm excited to have the entire upper body done!
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