Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (Fully Built!!!)

Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (Updated)

Personally I'd go navy/grey but thats me. Totally up to you and will look awesome either way
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (Updated)

Where do I go get mark 37 hammerhead pdo files I really make it

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Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (Updated)

@stigmorgan - yeah I am leaning towards the navy/gray scheme - but if I can find a greeny/turquoise that matches the movie ill probably go with that.


I Had to brighten this still from the Movie - and from this I don't think the paint job is all that bad, quite cool actually lol
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 5.6.14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Got around to redoing the Ab Section and im pleased with it - I will be freehanding a "wall" that will go between the top of the abs and the bottom of the upper chest (if that makes sense)

And more importantly - I Have one whole leg built! (About time I know)
Which puts this build at about 83% done now

Boom! - Just one more Leg to go and this bad boy is fully built (minus the fingers)
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

ohh!!!! man your cardboard skills are awesome by the way are you able to move the leg and boot? and your build is too awesome:thumbsup
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

ohh!!!! man your cardboard skills are awesome by the way are you able to move the leg and boot? and your build is too awesome:thumbsup

Cheers mate,
No not anymore - I have to join all the pieces together then resin the outside and rondo the inside the leg as 1 piece so after that I can divide them and make them articulate :D

Cardboard has a tendency to distort itself slightly just because its trying to mimic what foam can do - so if its all joined and hardened as one itll stay in that exact shape when I separate the pieces :D

I do have to sort out the inner ankle piece before that though ahaa
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

Gosh it's amazing! The photo of you wearing an arm and the torso makes you look like an Iron-Man-meets-megaman kinda build. Awesome.
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 8.6.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hell yeah - my Beast is at full height!! - 6'4 :eek:

Im trying to find a decent way to support the arms because theyre quite heavy and gravity defeats me if I try to rest or temporarily glue them, if anyones got suggestions?
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (90% Complete)

this beast is looking like hell beast :lol anyway your hammerhead is awesome but don't forget iron man iconic poses after your build is complete :D
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 8.6.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hell yeah - my Beast is at full height!! - 6'4 :eek:

Im trying to find a decent way to support the arms because theyre quite heavy and gravity defeats me if I try to rest or temporarily glue them, if anyones got suggestions?

Man, that's just freakin' sweet! :thumbsup
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 8.6.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hell yeah - my Beast is at full height!! - 6'4 :eek:

Im trying to find a decent way to support the arms because theyre quite heavy and gravity defeats me if I try to rest or temporarily glue them, if anyones got suggestions?
Thats awesome:thumbsup btw why dont you just add pvc pipes on the arm section and how heavy is the full suit?
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (85% Built!)

this beast is looking like hell beast :lol anyway your hammerhead is awesome but don't forget iron man iconic poses after your build is complete :D

Ahaa I see what you did there ;) - Yeah hopefully ill have time once its all bondo-ed and painted. But its on the list!! :D
Man, that's just freakin' sweet! :thumbsup

looks cool man

Thats awesome:thumbsup btw why dont you just add pvc pipes on the arm section and how heavy is the full suit?

Thanks guys - As of now I have all the parts built - I just need to connect the left leg together and then add it on
And also SkyzJas - because they don't seem to do a 45 or 135 degree angle connector for 22mm pipe :S which is what I need as the arms don't fall straight down, but im working on trying to make a custom one ;)
Re: Iron Man - Mark 37 "Hammerhead" Build (90% Complete)

Wire mesh and duct tape would give you a posable joint and be strong enough to support a little weight
Alternatively a couple of jubilee clips and a bit of rubber hose from an engine would work
So WOOP! - I have the Whole Suit fully built! Im so happy with it - its now become my favourite suit :D
Tell us what you think, Comments, Critique and Commendations?

Just armless, because... you know

Now I need an Arc reactor

(I tried to copy my pose from my first post without me in the suit lol)
wow! i just died for a second looks killer man :thumbsup
wow! i just died for a second looks killer man :thumbsup

Think I just broke my jaw when the it hit the floor. Amazing work man are you going to the LFCC at earls court?

Thanks Guys :D I've really enjoyed this build, getting it to stand up was a pain in the arse at first but once the 2nd leg was done - piece of cake :p

No unfortunately not, just looked when it is, and I leave on July 10th - and it starts the next day lmao (just my luck)
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