Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye


Sr Member
You can blame this thread on Howlrunner mentioning this ride over in another thread. I've been meaning to make up some props for this ride for a long while now, but real life keeps getting in the way.

First up is a letter between the Lost Delta Archeological Expedition team and Indy organising the expedition to the temple in the jungle.

Words aren't my speciality, so thanks to Daemoniac for being my sounding board.

More drawings and such to follow on soon.


  • LostDeltaLetter.pdf
    149.1 KB · Views: 292
Thanks for sharing : can't wait to see how this ride will turn like!

I'm currently going through Flickr for some references. It looks like the ride builders had a great time making this one, there's lots of statues and things which should be a lot of fun to draw.

I think the first thing I'm going to draw is an outside sketch of the temp itself. I'll get cracking on that tonight :D
these look great - glad to see me and DD28 have got some competition now for indy props - sorry don't con't the GODS, Magnoli or Saranab (think i spelt them rigth - stil lasleep )
nobody can compete with them

these look great - glad to see me and DD28 have got some competition now for indy props - sorry don't con't the GODS, Magnoli or Saranab (think i spelt them rigth - stil lasleep )
nobody can compete with them


Thanks buddy!

We can aspire to be like the prop heavy hitters :D

I'm working on a sketch of the temple at the moment, I should have that done in a day or two (unless the day job gets in the way too much). Then I think I will have to draw the snake statues, why did it have to be snakes :lol
I did these a few years back. I have always wanted to check out the ride

Ooh very nice. I saw a photo of the big map, although it wasn't really big enough to make decent copy of it. What did you use for a reference for your one?

if you need any specific photos of the ride....let me know...maybe next time i go i can drop by and take a few pictures

Thank you Mr Rocketeer, that's very generous! I found most of what I wanted buried deep in Flickrland, but if you do go I would quite like a photo of the glass cabinet with the big map Mr Cooper has made. The other thing I couldn't get any really clear shots of was the 'office' area. It looks like it's behind some rebar type meshing, but it's full of artefacts and photos. In fact there is so much there it looks like it would be a very fun journey to re-create it all!
Have you seen these sites?

The Daveland site is a new one :D That looks like a brilliant resource, thank you so much!

I'll have to dive back into Flickr to get the telegrams. I did see that they had a connected up telegraph machine on one of the shelves, it's cool that they made up the telegrams to go with it.
I may not have looked close enough, but the font for the letter looks like "Crappy Wehrmacht Typewriter" from the Indy files??

Looks great!!
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