Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye

Love this ride! Lots of fun.

Although the Indy gift shop was not stocked the last time I went and all they had was rubber snakes and wooden toy guns for kids. Not happy about that.
Love this ride! Lots of fun.

Although the Indy gift shop was not stocked the last time I went and all they had was rubber snakes and wooden toy guns for kids. Not happy about that.

Unfortunately, they haven't really had any good Indy merchandise for quite some time.
Bumping this old thread because I found this Internet relic the other day...^

Since it doesn't have any pictures of the items I ended up finding this old thread while looking for pictures of the office on google. I just made these two telegrams based off of the pic from DBCooper on the previous page and the text from the website. The fonts aren't all accurate, but they're close enough for what I have to work with. If anybody has good pictures of any of the other paper items from the queue area I'd love to see them though to make some more of the stuff. Most of what I could find on the internet were taken by people who don't...ahem...desire the amount of detail we here at the RPF do...and I'm an East Coaster so I don't get to go to Disneyland very often.

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