Indiana Jones and the Bermuda Triangle?

On, it's such a reliable source... they didn't even get the correct year for Crystal Skull.
This sounds like it´s definitely directly from the bearded mouths of Stevie and George:

“Shia LaBeouf has a central role again as Indy's son but this will be a blockbuster made in the old fashioned way rather than the CGI efforts of the last movie,” the source added."

NOT !!!
If they make another... they should kill off Indy... and that insufferable Mutt. End of story. EVER. Until Nazi scientists living in hiding in South America clones him because they want to know the locations of the Ark and the Grail.
The premise is Indy takes a ship with Mutt, and all known copies of Crystal Skull, to the Bermuda Triangle. Only Indy returns.
Indy & Son must thwart an evil scheme to replace the world's guns with walkie-talkies.
Oh I know!!! Indy and family get sucked into the Bermuda Triangle where they meet Johnny Depp and his merry band of pirates. Think of the crossover potential!!!! :)
We open with our fabled hero - the once-famed archeaologist and now retired universtiy professor - seen in a television ad promoting Depends Adult Under Garments...
Somewhere in Marin County a number 2 pencil is furiously writing across a yellow legal pad...
What exactly is there that's archeological about/in the bermuda triangle? They gonna make Ford have to learn to scuba dive?

If it's true, i'd guess it'll likely have to do with altantis and the bimini road type stuff, but the implication would be lots of ocean/water work would it not?