Inception Kit ("Official" Warner Bros. totems, USB Drive)


New Member
Before you read: I'm not interested in buying this set, I would just like to have details, as I can not find any elsewhere, and I thought here would be the best place to look :)

Hey everyone. I'm looking to see if anyone has the Warner Bros. Totems and USB Drive. I was wondering what;s on the USB Drive, and if I could get a close up of the included totems (Top I've seen, I'm more interested in seeing the Promotional Pawn and Die). I will post pictures of them below, but it's only from top view. If anyone has these, could they post more detailed pictures, and reveal what;s on the USB Drive? Thanks! Pics after the jump.


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Ah, merci beaucoup pour votre information, mais je suis plus intéressé par le Pion et les Dés. Désolé!

Does anyone have any information on the Above stated items and the USB drive?
You'll want to check out the more accurate replicas being made here on the RPF. The BISHOP should be made out of brass, and two people are making very good replicas of those. There are also two people making the tops. For the die, you will want a transparent red loaded die which you can buy in a set on ebay.

These are your best options for replicas.
Oh I know, I already am purchasing a few, Ben :p I was just curious as to the details of the Promotional items, that's all. And what's on the elusive USB Drive.
Right, I think I remember the ebay sales saying it was just promo material. trailers and stuff.