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Imperial Security Cameras. More people refer to them as the detention center cameras.
My reason for calling them Imperial Security Cameras is due to the fact that they have been featured in more places than just the Death Star detention center. I know I have spotted them through the years in all the Star Wars material. I plan to try and collect as many images of the others featured in the other shows and movies. The most recent I have been able to capture, was in Andor, when Bix is interrogated in Ferrix. There is a black and white variant, but very similar.
Looks like it’s also made with the same Patterson Trident slide viewers but painted all black. It has a white outer casing, with foam lining in between. The roof mount is on top instead of from behind. Antennas are very similar, but not the same. Seems like a rivet and some other rods. No dome lights or stickers.
The good news about seeing these is that it opens up for variants, just like in our own real world. I would like to tackle making one of these “Ferrix” variants, but will first tackle the traditional one.
I’ve been collecting the slide viewers after finding one many years ago while snooping around an antique store on a trip to Scotland. I got two more in the UK from people that was selling them at reasonable prices.
The last three I found in the US, France and Canada. I was lucky enough to also find the Supergreen Props kit before they sold out, but no dome lights.
This was my first time assembling everything to see how it all went together and to see if I needed to modify anything. I was going to paint the light blue to match the darker blue, but couldn’t find the paint I liked. I will probably tackle that in the future if I can locate the right paint.
I assembled everything after a thorough cleaning. I found a simple single armed TV mount that I liked and mounted it in my office. If I can’t find the exact paint, may make it into my own variant. It the mean time I’ll 3D print the dome lights as stand ins, and hope I’ll be able to get in on the next run of the Supergreen Props ones. Meanwhile I’ll be brainstorming on doing the Andor version.
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