idea for a stickie or maybe a child forum


Active Member
I am wondering with all the amazing talent out here if anyone who actually is in the movie producing business ever frequents the forums, maybe looking for talent.
if so what I was thinking was a stickie of models from people either used raw materials or kitbashes that have not actually been in any movies to be displayed so they (movie producers and prop coordinators) could peruse and contact the said creators of the items and discuss usage of their talents or existing props possibly saving them tremendous time when we are talking about already existing models.

If a stickie is to cumbersome then that was where the child forum might come in handy so that several threads with certain criteria could be set up. once for scifi craft, puppets, fantasy craft and critters, and terrain (from mountains to buildings or maybe separate threads for urban, suburban, and rural/wilderness.

just so everyone knows this is just a thought.

The Architect!
just an after thought.

putting this child forum or sticky in the junkyard would probably be best.

has anyone ever managed a contact like this?

how did it go. and what was it like?

an interesting read for me was HR Giger's experiences working on the first alien movie.