How do you get the control box off of a "JE" Luke ROTJ saber replica?


Sr Member
Ok folks, I know it's possible to remove the control box from a JE replica of the Luke ROTJ hero saber, because I know that some people here have done it in the past. So, How is it done, easily, and without destroying my saber?

My JE luke was the first saber I ever bout, I love it, but I've always known it was off, and the control box has always bothered me the most. I put it up for sale a wile back, and a friend bought, but then he gave it back to me. :lol So, now that it's home again, I thought I would finely bite the bullet, and fix the box. I got an extra accurate box, so all I need to do, is get rid of the old one, and install the new. But I'm afrade of messing it up. (it was my fist saber after all. :) )


Circuit Board is glued in place, but you have to get it loose with gentle tapping or a solvent and slide it out and there is a screw under it holding the box to the saber.

(yes, I'm aware I said to get it loose with gentle tapping)
Done, and Done. No, really, I did it. :) It' worked great. I did crack the board, just a little (pounded it, more then I should have. :lol), but no bigy,

I'm going to save the box, bits, incase I get nostalgic one day, but now it's non to the new box. :)

I have one of the new supper accurate Luke blacks from the run last year, and I just got the box for that, but I got an extra, because I want to put it on my JE, and have this box light up. So, now I'll have a pretty little, light up, idealized version, and an asymmetrical, screen accurate, non-lit-up, piece of modern prop history. :)

Thanks for that tip. :)