Hints, tips, pitfalls on building Sidkit BR blaster?


Sr Member
I recently picked up what IIRC is a Worldcon BR blaster, by Sidkit, from Megamicrofish on here. ( Recommended trader, BTW... Was very helpful when Royal Mail screwed us both over, and I think we both ended up very happy with the deal! )

Anyway, I'm about to begin the daunting task of finishing it off, but I have no instructions.

So does anyone have 'em and can post a link please?
Also... Is there anything I should watch out for, any traps I might fall into during the build?


Join www.propsummit.com first. Everything you could ever want to know including the instructions are there. Second, assemble/disassemble as few times as possible. The metal is soft and you can easily crossthread the bolts or break fragile parts.
Thanks :)
Been over on Propsummit, but didn't see any tutorials from start to finish.
The screw list isn't the same on my Sidkit metal kit!?? To start with I've no 20mm (A) or 10mm (E)!!!!
Wow, I totally forgot I made those pages! Lol! That is from eons ago, so no telling what you have now.
Silly question....does the trigger & hammer suppose to work and click when fired!!! The back trigger has a spring your suppose to place but it's not looking possible, erh!
Silly question....does the trigger & hammer suppose to work and click when fired!!! The back trigger has a spring your suppose to place but it's not looking possible, erh!

Do your parts look like this? Hammertriggerdetail.jpg
Yes, the trigger spring is so tricky to place in..,even imbedded it to the trigger so the other end fits the underside gun body bump thing. Will take it apart & show a photo later.
The trigger has to be put In just right. in conjunction with the hammer and the little spring leaver on the hammer for the trigger and hammer to function properly. Iv'e put a few In. and If you don't get it right it seizes and jams.