High Detail Master Chief Costume - New Pics Page 5

Re: High Detail Master Chief Costume

You know what I think would be neat, is to see a portfolio of really artisitc photographs, just as you are suggesting, to be representative of particular scenes from key points in the Halo series, but like from a "war photographer's point of view."

Would be in various locations, resembling those areas. Probably just me, but I'd really enjoy seeing something like that.

Funny you should say that : )

what do you guys think about these?










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now, with some good editing between the Weta Commercials and your suite, you could create a awesome teaser trailor.

Great suit. Great to see this finished. :love
BR, even though I ain't a Halo lover and I never thought the MC armor was really cool, your work is A-S-T-O-N-I-S-H-I-N-G-!-!-!-!

This thread makes me wanna start sculpting once for good, leaving behind my sintra times...

Again, awesome job, skills and all!
i saw where you said that you didnt have time to take progress pics of the undersuit, but could you give an idea of how you made it?

that is what absolutely sells if for me.

and a quick question about that marine armor...was that the old halo 1 marine armor, or did you have other resources?
Amazing. It's one thing to pull off making the costume, but another to pull off good, believeable shots. Great work guys.
After having seen your Master Chief in person at D*Con I have to agree also that this is the best one ever done. The attention to detail that you have maintained through this entire project is astounding man. Downright inspiring.
I saw all the parts to his undersuit, and that in itself is a massive undertaking. SO much detail! He also said its the first time he sewed anything. Nice meeting you at DC, man.
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