Help printing paper props

Wes R

Legendary Member
What's the best way to print them? Do it yourself or try and find someone who will do it despite the stuff being copyrighted? I'm only doing items for myself. I know higher quality paper is a must but if i want larger poster sized items i don't think i can do that on my own.
It really just depends on the prop. I've had no problems having photographs processed at Costco, nor did I have any problems with the printer at school who ran off my high quality posters.

Take the copyright off if you're going to do a poster. At worst, many places will ask you to sign a liability release stating that you're representing these items as your own work. They don't want to get sued as the printer.

I can run off a poster for you at my school (if they have their printer fixed by now), but it'll cost a little more due to shipping and overhead than you could have done locally. If you need it, drop me a PM.
Most of my stuff is probably copyright free by now since they're WW2 posters and the stuff from fallout nobody would probably even notice. I know i had to sign a waver at walgreens when printing a photo of some art my friend made and she was standing next to me lol.
there really getting stricted with printers now cos of copy rights not that i understand why its there resposabilty
Yeah i know that i got art printed around here that my friend did and even wit her signing the release form the places weren't happy.
I've had a few copyright protected maps copied at Kinko's over the years, generally to have color to B/W or lamination work done, as yet never had to sign anything but one extremely paranoid employee had me press the Print button to absolve him of any liability.
That's part of why i got a 3 in one printer, plus Staples switched to some idiot system where you have to buy a prepaid card off them instead of making copies and going to the register.