3D printer/printing advice


New Member
Good morning grand peeps of RPF

I'm toying with the idea of getting a 3d printer, probably an Ender 3 as it's in my budget and quite recommended on another thread on here.
My questions to anyone in the know are -

Can you transfer files or run the printer from a chromebook? I don't have a PC or windows laptop
I've read that some files my need slicing or re scaling, is this an easy process to learn? I'm not too bad on computer stuff but I'm no expert.
Is it worth it? I'd be looking to do props that I could possibly buy already printed so is it really worth doing them myself in regards to time and cost.

Thanks in advance for any help
All files you download will require slicing.

Chromebook has a compatible slicer.

Printing them yourself versus buying already printed props is a decision you'll have to make for yourself. Not everything you can buy printed, is available for download and vise versa.

If you are looking for a printer I would also consider the Bambu A1 mini. I have a P1S, it is easy to use and has great print quality.

If you like to make things, having a 3D printer is fantastic! If you just want to collect things, I don't know if it is worth the time, cost and frustration. Filament can get expensive, there will be some learning curve and will have failed prints and prints you aren't happy with. On the plus side, if you are printing you get to pick the settings and type of filament which is great! You can also learn how to make and adjust models to print!

I don't know if the process would be fun for you. I'm pretty new to printing and really enjoy it. Good luck!
im no pro, but i have an ender 3, a good printer, mine was supposed to be my first beginner printer and 3 years later i still have it,

there are many fine printers out there, & i can tell you what ive done and what works for me,
if you do get an ender 3 the number 1 thing to get is this, its an ender 3 upgrade kit, from amazon, it contains better springs, bowden tube and most importantly, an all metal extruder, the stock plastic one is rubbish and will break really easily


the next thing would be a glass bed,

E3 bed.jpg

i also use blue painters tape and hairspray on the bed, which helps greatly with printing,

it also may be worthwhile getting a secondhand windows pc/laptop,
my goto programs are cura, does the printer parameters/slicing/transfer to memory card and meshmixer, which takes care of cutting up large models, im not sure if these run on a chromebook

you also need to take into account general maintainance, ive prob done over 2000+ hours printing, i have had to replace bearings and an extruder, with no experiance its not too difficult,
if you do get a printer and run it for a while, you will know exactly what all the little quirks are and how to run it optimally, and make cool stuff

you will find it very rewarding and frustrating, :)
hope this helps