Help Me Identify This ROTJ Luke Saber...


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Hi there, A friend has this saber and we got to looking at it and I have no idea of it's origin. It's Resin.He got it in a trade.
He added the chrome tape.
My first thought was that it might me a Marco, but after consulting with the resident expert on this saber (JediScout) We don't think so.

She suggested I open this up to the forum here...

What is this?



It looks like a Luke 'hero' version. You can see the split buttons on the control box and faint outline of the 2 triangles on the control box.

There are 8 'circles' on the grip, wheras the MR version has 9. IIRC, the Marco version had 8 rings, so it could be that...but if Jediscout doesn't think so...who knows?

Cool looking piece, though!
It is a puzzler. I've never seen one with two (or more) holes in the windvane like that, nor such pointy pommel cubes.
It's got 4 holes, all the way around...and the pommel seems to be a handwheel...
I've never seen a Parks like that. Possible I've never been exposed to his early stuff, though.
Could it be an cast of a hardware or scratch-built saber?

The holes in the 'windvane' have what looks like flat-screw heads in them, possibly to secure the piece to the stem.
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Not sure who made it. But I have a resin kit just like it. Some one gave it to me about 12 years ago. I remember seeing it on a dealers table at cons also.

Here's the Marco saber from the 86-87 catalog:

As Jediscout said, not it. (What did the big black knobs on the Marco sabers do?)
I remember hearing that back in the mid '90's there were some machining/blueprints going around the all-new 'Internet' thing, especially plans for the Luke ROTJ saber.

That one looks almost like the most popular version, like the one from the SW Tech Journal, wiht the 4 inserts in the windvane piece.

I would guess it's professionally made from fan-made blueprints, probably early/mid '90's.
I have a metal version that has inset holes around the neck--but only two. And it's slightly oversized--the resin version looks smaller, and the neck area is shorter than on my metal one.

To me, that sabre looks like the original was at least partially built with hardware--the emitter looks like it has a couple stacked washers--and it almost looks like there's similar stacking in the black grip area, but very hard to tell from pics.

I think it's a resin pull of a fan-built sabre. But I can't say for certain. It has a lot of characteristics in common with my metal version--but it's not an exact match to that either.

It has little in common with my old Marco ROTJ sabre--but I only ever owned a later-model version of that--all plastic and very high shine. By the time Marco was making ROTJ Luke sabres, he had gotten pretty streamlined. The resin sabre pictured looks a little too rough to be something he'd make by the time ROTJ came out. Sorry I can't say for certain. It's interesting.
Wow ,Thanks everyone...
It does look like a hardware saber casting.
The handwheel is the give away for me...
Interesting if it's an old convention of the first tries perhaps.

Mark, did you ever build yours? :)