Hello there: Star Wars Fan Film WIP


New Member
Hello there,

Figured this was the best place to post.

Seeing as the Force Awakens has come out I'm in all out Star Wars mode. So much so, that I began this as a VFX test, but it's slowly turning into an actual film.

I've seen a couple of 3d model threads, so, although the models aren't mine (The planet is) I've animated some cool 3d models from Foundation 3D and have been compositing my heart out.

Hope you all find em interesting.




I'll keep posting updates of how its going.

Weird, I found this forum through your Millennium Cockpit thread. Was googling 3d models you see. Your falcon model is the shiz.

What did you do it in?
That's amazing!!! Are you entering the Fan Film Awards contest? I did last year, led to me doing a series of Star Wars shorts we're working on now. Nothing nearly this amazing, though!