Harry Potter Collection

Narcissas, fenrirs, and slughorn were all released at the same time, i assume this means they all underwent the same quality control. YES, it probably is better quality. Heavier, better paint, more important wand.
Yeh i saw. Its great that its open but theyre not selling stuff id expected. Theres no Zonko's stuff at ALL. And their Filch's Emporium range isnt very good at the moment. Hopefully they update it soon.

Anyway another question for you all. If you had the choice or 3 wands and an ollivanders wand from the online shop which would you choose?
So far i've got on my list:
2.Slughorn (coz i just love it)
3. Narcissa
4. And the Reed wand from WWoHP
Yeh i saw. Its great that its open but theyre not selling stuff id expected. Theres no Zonko's stuff at ALL. And their Filch's Emporium range isnt very good at the moment. Hopefully they update it soon.

Anyway another question for you all. If you had the choice or 3 wands and an ollivanders wand from the online shop which would you choose?
So far i've got on my list:
2.Slughorn (coz i just love it)
3. Narcissa
4. And the Reed wand from WWoHP

I own all of the wands and the newest ones are by far the worst. Narcissa, Slughorn, and Fenrir have paintjobs a kindergartner could have done better.

Go with the Dumbledore's. You get two for one with that one, it's Dumbledore's and the Elder wand.
I'm getting back in now that I saw the deathly hallows trailer :)rolleyes here we go again) I plan on getting Dumbeldores, Lupins (again), and a WWoHP.

Which order who knows, planing on the WWoHP first then either of the others down the road.
It might be a will before other wands are on line I hard heard that people that are going to the park are buy up the wands like crazy some where between 20 and 30 of them at a time. mostly one of the top 5 ideas to get at the park
well if u are looking to get a noble collection wand i would reccomend getting the illuminating wands cause they actually do something and they r made of plastic and not resin so plastic does not break easy but resin breaks super easily.Like if u drop on a hard floor. It is either scratched cracked or broken in half. That is why i do not buy resin wnd except for dumbledores and siruis blacks because there wand are really awesome........:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :ninja
The Dumbledore wand and the Voldemort wand are both very nice, but I particlarly like the Deluminator and the Hufflepuff cup. Both of these replicas have AMAZING detail and they are definately worth what they cost. Hope this helped!
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