Harry Potter Collection

Hey, If your a collector for Harry Potter Replicas then tell me what you got that was most worth its price and if you have pics they will be much appreciated. I'm STILL having trouble deciding what's best to get.
Here's the list (Tell me what you think):
1. Set of three Wands (Harry's, Hermione's and Ron's)
2. Slughorn's Wand ( I reckon the design is pretty cool)
3. Dumbledore's Wand (Because of its signifincance)
4. Something from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Online; cant get there) (What's best to get, thats uniquely from there?)
5. ???????????????????????
The wands are at Noble but also cheaper I think at W.W.o.H.P. W.W.o.H.P. I have been told that they will see have there on line store up you will just have to hold out like the rest of us
I had the same concerns earlier. I ended up buying Malfoy's wand because that was the wand that Harry used to defeat Voldermort. It also happens to be the one that doesn't look like a twig taken off a tree branch.

I also have Lucius Malfoy's cane. It's one wicked piece.
I've got Harrys and Dumbledores wands from noble. The harry wand was very bland. The detail of the handle was great but I did some painting on the actual shaft to make it look better. I also removed the trademarks on both wands. DD's wand looked awesome right out of the box.
Yeah I still need to get wands too.. Started my small collection of HP gear, but holding out til I have a bit of cash to try and find the best wooden versions I can find..
I don't really think i'll be getting Lucius Malfoy's but Narcissa's looks alright. But what awesome replica should top my list???? No.5. is still blank keep your opinions coming guys.:)
I visited The Wizarding World of Harry Potter earlier this week. They have just about everything you could want if your a HP collector. Majority of the things they sell are only available in the park but they will soon allow you to purchase some things when they launch the online store soon. They carry about every wand from the movies including wands that are made for the park. If you go into the shop, you can ask which wand matches your birth date and they will show you and you can either choose to buy it or select from about a dozen others. Some are eleborate and others not so much, it all comes down to personal taste. The one I wanted to purchase must have been the most popular one as it was completely sold out. You can also purchase movie accurate chocolate frogs with wizard card, every flavored jelly beans, golden snitches, clothes, journals, and even broom sticks. Its an amazing place to go, if your a collector you may find it very hard put your wallet back in your pocket.
Ill probably get the merchandise online (i think its late july when it is released) I cant wait to see the new and special birthday wands, as well as some Zonkos stuff.
The Zonko stuff was probably the least interesting items I saw. Bludger balls, binoculars, chittering teeth, and a few random nik naks can be found there but nothing really mind blowing. The shop when you exit the ride and the shop where you purchase the wands are the 2 places where you'll spend most of you time. The shop when you exit the ride mostly carries items specific to the 4 houses of Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin shirts, scarfs, journals, ties can all be found here, along with items that deal with the ride. I also saw a nice Marauders map in a frame being sold there but i could not find a price. The other shop carries just about eveything else like the wands, brooms, postcards which can be sent out at the owl post. It all pretty amazing seeing how much effort went into making sure everything seems like something you would buy if you were in the movies/book, instead of it being a cheap souvenirs you get at a theme park.
Dervish and Banges looks pretty cool too. I like the things that are more replica and less souvenier(?) like journals, badges etc.:thumbsdown I've been trying to replicate ALOT of the joke shop packaging. Did you happen to see the 'Fanged Flyer'? The other things in the shop (as you said) are nik naky and not very interesting. Not very true to the film i must say. What do YOU think should make my number 5 on the list?
Yes I do believe they sold the Fanged Flyers. Dervish and Banges are the Owl post are the same shop, just connected. Because of such a large crowd they made the Dervish and Banges the entrance and the Owl Post the exit. Im not the hugest Harry Potter fan so I might have overlooked things inside Zonko. As for your #5, it all comes down to personal taste. If your looking for something cheap they sell mini Tri wizard tournament cups about 8 inches high, the golden snitch was pretty cool, it was battery operated and stood on a little base and its wings flutterd. The Pumpkin juice is avalible and comes in the same bottle from the movies. Chocolate frogs and Every Flavor Beans also come in the same boxes from the movies and make for a good replica, if you choose to eat the candy is soley up to you and it wont ruin the package. Wands run around 30-40 dollars depending on which ones you get. The regular wands dont do anything but do come in the Ollivander box, and the Noble collection wands are also for sale with the lighted tips. The brooms are about 250+ and are very accurate. I wish I took pictures of all the things in the shops but it was extremely crowded and it was hard to stand still long enough to get a good pic.
For number 5 I would go for either a broom or a full quiditch set, but it realy depends on your own tastes.
Ok quick post, I have a choice but i seriously don't know what to choose?! Out of all the wands apart from Lucius Malfoy's Which is the best to get? What wand was your favourite and tell me what was most worth it's price. :confused I need to know ASAP i have serious trouble deciding and need your help.
What could really start A wand collection? (I already have Harry, hermione and Rons planned for another time)
Apart from the main 3 its just a mater of which charecter you like best. The twi wizzrd set is nice but cost a bit (and you get harry wand included). After the main three I wend for Dumbledoors, he is the gead teacher after all. Most of my purchases have been based on what was available and at a good price at shows.
I really like Voldemorts, It looks like its made out of bone which gives it a really sinister feel. and is different from the whole "wooden" look of everyone elses.
Thanks for your opinions, Dumbledore's is what I've heard to be a good start. But im caught between two...
Like I said before, slughorn's is really poorly made. especially compared to dumbledores. Get dumbledores, you wont be disappointed. And yes, very important wand indeed.