Harry Potter Book insides

I finally had some time to put the covers and endpapers on so here's some pictures.

The endpaper I chose was based on a little snippet of endpaper I saw in the image of the screen used book. It appears to me to be a blue/green/yellow swirly/marbled paper. The last image I posted is of the endpaper I was going to use until I saw the screen image.

Just need to find some brown leather to make the spine and corner pieces.

Would have liked the book pages to be thicker but if I had to make up one more potion I think my brain would have turned to mush.

Would have liked the book pages to be thicker but if I had to make up one more potion I think my brain would have turned to mush.


Barneyrfd most impressive!!!!

U can always have this be a on going project and add new potions later.

Epic man really cool!!!!

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