Hardware Scout Trooper Blaster COMPLETED

Luke Warmwater

Sr Member
A new project is under way at Warmwater Ordnance Labs: a hardware scout trooper blaster. I'm trying to have it done in time for Mantis' get-together.

I started with the scope, using the same technique I used for my RFT blaster scope; copper plumbing fittings, wood dowel and cap from a water bottle. For the scope reticle I used a lens from a 8mm movie camera:


The assembled scope, minus the clear cap which will go on after painting:


For the frame of the gun I used scrap wood molding and a dowel rod to form the grip and an inside corner molding for the "slide." I got sink faucet guts for the nozzle.


These gaskets, cut in half, form the ribbed sections on the side and top.


I added half-round molding to the top and sides of the "slide" and glued on the gaskets and the nozzle. A PVC cap goes on the butt end. I used a scope mount from Bass Pro to attach the scope (screw covers from Lowe's are dials on the scope). A push button from Radio Shack makes the trigger. I shaped the grip with a dremel and attached the transistor. I used an LED scale for a power greeblie.


A strip of aluminum is the trigger guard.


Nearly there.
:eek WOW.

I'm very impressed with how good that looks. I am going to have to do this. Thank you so much for this post. I've looked at those copper fittings in Home Depot a couple of times tracking down bits and pieces for a Nerf repaint I'm working on, but it never occured to me to put them together like that for a single point scope. I must be blind.

Again, thanks for the post. Sharing ideas like this is what makes this such a strong community.
WOW that's excellent :thumbsup

I'm gonna have a go at making one of these blasters soon.Thanks for posting the pics,it will be very good reference for my attempt :p

Now,get it painted. ;)

Looking really good. I've been working on something similar, but yours is great. Keep at it, I'd love to see how this paints up and weathers.

with the electronics on there, you should hide a battery in there somwhere and make it light up.

Very impressive.

Thanks for posting this. It's inspiring to see what can be done with some found items, workshop skills, and creative vision.

Looking forward to continuing WIP pics. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Originally posted by kimncris@Mar 22 2006, 03:16 AM

with the electronics on there, you should hide a battery in there somwhere and make it light up.


My talents end at electronics. The LED strip is just glued into the wood. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for some here.



that's pretty cool. I love scratch building.

One thing though. I don't think the Scout Blasters in the movie have triggers like a normal gun.