HARBINGER DOWN : A Practical Creature FX Film kick starter campaign

Thanks for posting this. I was just about to, myself. If you love non-CGI movie effects, get over to kickstarter and back this film! They have levels and rewards for every budget. If this is successful, it will help send the message to Hollywood that there is still an important place for these techniques and a big, dedicated audience for the films using them.
I'm gonna wait till closer to the end date before I decide to pledge. i'm really hoping these guys make their goal as they are a great fx company and i'd love to see an all practical fx film in this day and age.
I really hate to say this but its half way through the time frame and not even close to reaching the halfway mark budget wise. as much as I want this to happen, I really don't see it happening. it seems people just don't care anymore.
@ Scareb : Please allow me to disagree here. A few people backed the project, but the money people gave is above average. People do care about this project. It's sexy, it has great potential. The problem is, NO ONE know about it. Extremely bad PR job here.

I really hope some big internet names will be able to move things up. As for me, I've pledged, and I won't hesitate to add a bit more. So, people, come on in, and let's make this happen !!! Are we practical stuff lovers here on the RPF, or what ? :D
Actually that's the opposite, the PR job that Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr. have done is beyond what many other KS projects have done. They've done podcasts, they've had posts done on major horror sites like Bloody-Disgusting and Shocktillyoudrop, they've had several posts on the Practicsl Effects Group which has almost 6000 members, multiple posts on their Facebook of which they have thousands of friends.

Trust me, I want to see this happen more than anything. I'm a huge effects and makeup nerd and love stuff like this. Either people just don't care anymore or they're not willing to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to wanting more practical effects in film. They have 7 days to make $200,000. I don't see this happening.
They've done podcasts, they've had posts done on major horror sites like Bloody-Disgusting and Shocktillyoudrop, they've had several posts on the Practicsl Effects Group which has almost 6000 members, multiple posts on their Facebook of which they have thousands of friends.
They have to take it out of the horror fans circle. We are just a niche, not enough people to create the needed momentum and give this project a "winner sent" that will decide people to bid on it. So yeah, they spreaded the word on the horror fans, that was easy. It now have to reach the basic moviegoer, that is the PR job I'm talking about. Take the very successful Oculus Rift KS campaign for instance : They had Carmack and Newell talking for them, demoing for them... HD has a series of Youtube videos and Lance Henrikssen. See what I'm saying ?

Anyway... The needle made a nice jump in the last hours, so there's still hope. A couple days is all they need for a little KS magic. This can still happen. :)
The thing with kickstarter is that if you don't reach your goal, you don't get a dime of it.

They should have used Indiegogo. Even if you don't meet your goal, you get the funds pledged
to you. (Minus 9%) for Indiegogo.

I hope they reach their goal. It would be nice to see that movie made.
I agree with you, Indiegogo is better in that case. It is also why it's gaining speed compared to Kickstarter : Open worldwilde and you still can get some money out of it.

But here, they won't get a dime if it isn't funded, while this stuff is genius-powered. Come on people, let's get this made ! Please back this project ! :)

get on youtube and look at ADI studios. I've just donated a small amount and urge everyone on this forum to do the same. WE SHOULD ALL SUPPORT THIS!!!!!!
Years ago when Dr Who was off the air this would have brought in Millions! Imagine the chance to fund for a full size Dalek or Cybersuit. Amazing!

BTW off topic sorry....

yes...this is an amazing opportunity!
Indeed ! And it's gaining more and more momentum. If it wasn't for its slow start, this project would have been funded already.

So... here's the daily BUMP ! Come on, people, please back it ! If it ain't funded, you do not loose your money, and if it is funded, we change things around in Hollywood ! So why not participate ? :)
We're under the $97k to fund now ! Come on people, I can't believe there's so much people here that aren't interested in good ol' special effects ! :)
I've already made my pledge of $100 to this. I also made a post on sideshow freaks about it. Hopefully that drums up some extra coin. I'm definitely surprised at how much money it's made in the last day or two. I'm really hoping now that this goes through.
I'm definitely surprised at how much money it's made in the last day or two.
Indeed. This is what I was saying : The project is full of potential, it just had a poor PR in the first days. Now it's at 75%, there's one day left. It's still possible, so people, please go there and back it ! ^_^
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