HARBINGER DOWN : A Practical Creature FX Film kick starter campaign

It's finally over... 109% funded. $350k, and $34k extra cash. So glad to see it made it. What a ride. Now, I hope they come with good storytelling and great effects. Can't wait for a trailer. :)

Let's hope that extra $$$ goes to the writer!
Trailer looks great. Glad I was able to help fund this. I enjoy all of ADI's work.

I know they are currently filming the miniature work now. Can't wait for this to come out.
I love the work ADI does. Everybody who does so, too, should look into buying the "AvP - Requiem: INside the monster shop"- making of book.Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem: Inside the Monster Shop: Alec Gillis, Tom Woodruff, Chris Ayers: Amazon.com: Books
It gives a lot of insight into how the guys feel about creature fx, since it´s written in diary style.

But I must say that, although I am a huge fan of practical effects, what does this film actually do for the trade? It does look like just another "Infection"-horror movie. I think I will watch it, but would love to see something fresh and new genre-wise. I mean, we have a lot of elements that just scream "i´ve been lifted from classic genre movies", the remote location, the find that brings the creature to the main location, the crew being picked off one by one. Even the dialogue could be exchanged. How often did we hear the line "He´s infected." over the last 25 years?

I am in support of practical effects (that gorilla suit is amazing), but as long as young directors aren´t taught to get their act together and drop the "We´ll [fix] it in post" and effin start to work with what they have ON SET (which in my opinion AND experience is def cheaper, time saving and gives them more creative freedom), practical fx will become extinct.
Sorry, but "Damn you, video game generation".
Just saw the trailer myself and I can't wait. I really regret not being able to help fund this at the time.
I totally missed this thread or forgot about it. I started reading and thought, "oh, I have to throw some money at this" and then I noticed the funding was closed and after that I noticed the thread was a year old. :cry
Ok, so it is another ALIEN/The Thing except this time on a boat. I also saw one of these in there:

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