Green Goblin Movie Suit

the leather does look hell of a lot like the summers colour change fabric!
what a work intensive costume, but i can understand why, it allows the performer inside so much more movement, than if it were solid vinyl /leather suit.
I just wanna say, I was on set when they were shooing the first appearance of the Green Goblin. William Dafoe came out to say hi to everyone in the Green Goblin suit and it looked awesome! Wish I had a closer view to him as the extras all mobbed him. LoL. Good luck on the suit.
no pics yet, but I can tell you that the patterns for the armour are nearly all done and ready for vac-forming.
I am currently working on the shoulder pieces and the gold clips fthat run down the sides of the arms and legs.
Don't forget the Nike shoes... If you can find them.
I had a pair when I did this costume, but sold them off shortly after wearing them once with the costume. What a PITA that was, and my costume was not all that great :)
he has found the Nike shoes (or cheaper copies) and has most of the other bits together.
he has bought a vac former and will be forming the pieces himself, while he gets the undersuit made.
Hi I worked on ADI on Spiderman I was one of the foam runners I worked on the muscle suits and webs spiderman mask test,ect .In down time I worked on the greengoblin suits.The pieces were a urathane rubber we had to sand all the casted pieces by hand and stretch that green fabric over every piece and then were put together by john david ridge costume designer the pieces were glued on the suit we all joked it looked like a power rangers costume all he need were some roller skates.The second suit we made had lights that lit up we vaccumed formed clear pieces and machined special parts for this costume it was supose to be a night flight suit.By the time we finished the suit and it lit up after we tested looked really cool the delivery guy at Sony left and couldnt wait for the suit we got it working in 5 mins after the guy left would have been cool to see it in the movie all these light working and blinking,we worked on this test suit for awhile making all these special parts at least I got to see it work.
A light up goblin suit! How weird!? Exactly which sections lit up?

Here are some reference pics from my files.

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I'm actually looking for the main cast pieces for the suit, I remember seeing acouple people selling then awhile ago. The fabric that was used for the suit is very reminiscent of the BSG green viper suit fabric, which I have alot of, anyone know of a source for the cast detail pieces?
I totally have an image that would be helpful, however it's at the home tower and I'm at a friends right now.
It's the turnaround for the movie Green Goblin, could be useful for making a pattern of the plates.
One of my mates has one of the buckets worn by Mr Dafoe. I could ask him if I could take some pics and measures if it helps?

Yeah. Rami wanted to introduce a mask like rubber that oscorp was manufacturing that sticks to you like a second skin.... But they abandoned it saying he thought it would be too hard to explain/ the audience to
Believe..... Mind you we were watching a movie about a guy with spider powers... But what evs lol
Yeah but there's a fun explanation for spidey powers that is quickly delivered to an audience. A rubber skin technology mixed with a ton of other tech to explain all the the stuff that makes up the Goblin character is a bit cumbersome.

mmmmmmi dunno.. i think they could have easily done it as part of the military montage.. " here is the glider...and the suit. " oh and over here is the new skin we're working on' etc etc etc insert james bond "Q" ref here... you know ?
Ok ... for those watching this thread still, here's a quick teaser of the work in progress that 'Maskman Mick' has been talking about (and working on :love) ....

I have everything required now, Helmet, Material, Boots, Pumpkin Bombs, all new Armour Moulds, Flip Paint etc etc .... i just need to stop working on projects for other people and get on with it ... :facepalm

I'll start a proper WIP thread once the Undersuit is underway ..

However ... have recently done some tidying up on the Helmet, and also did some test pulls on the former for the shoulder bells so here's a quick look ...





