GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Was that new trailer suppose to be funny because I'm missing it,I stand by what I said the first week it'll do okay with the Fig Newton fans and those who liked films like spy's going to be ugly the second week,unless these new era fans lap it up (always possible)

Also looks like they not only nipped parts from GB but GBII as well,and somehow managed to suck all the humor out of it,amazing really.
Was that new trailer suppose to be funny because I'm missing it,I stand by what I said the first week it'll do okay with the Fig Newton fans and those who liked films like spy's going to be ugly the second week,unless these new era fans lap it up (always possible)

Also looks like they not only nipped parts from GB but GBII as well,and somehow managed to suck all the humor out of it,amazing really.

If you're a fan of the original and you don't like this, you're just being stupid ;)
ahh, there is article #463 that insults the fans with the old S word argument at the end. after embedding videos of women bashing the movie no less ;o)....
that's one on the list of 600 or so 'journalists' that need to be fired to a toilet cleaning job ;o).

I think $150 million went to paying off websites for articles like the above.
seriously, i've never seen so many for any other movie.
I agree it does seem like they're doing excessive damage control and it just makes things worse. All you do is admit that it's not for everyone and go from there. I agree with that article other than it comes off as condescending, people are passionate about their fandoms no matter what it is. It doesn't mean they're immature just overly attached.
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Here's a good story in Esquire to counteract the Angey dude that lives in his mom's basemet or whatevs -

You're Whining About the Ghostbusters Reboot Because You're Still a Child and Need to Grow Up[/h]The original movie will still be around. Movies aren't made just for you, etc, etc.

Still, it is 100% ok to look at the trailer and say "This is not for me" or "I don't like the look of it". It is all this teeth gnashing that is so ridiculous.

It's not a matter of "This is not for me". It's a matter of an actual, objective standard for entertainment, and well, just about everything. When something is crap, insulting, creatively lazy, offensive, etc, it's perfectly fine to call it out for the crap that it is. The talentless hacks who produce this crap always fall back on these lazy defenses...racism, sexism, insert whatever-ism, in order to try and downplay their own lack of talent, ability, skill or capacity to achieve while casting themselves as some sort of champion for some imagined, marginalized social group. I'm a victim, therefore I am.... It's not the their work is crap. It's the fault of everyone else for not liking said crap.
if you don't like the new Ghostbusters then your sexist.......argument won.
SJW are huge narcissists and they are so funny, lol!

when I saw the second trailer for Batman v Superman it looked like the movie was going to be bad, and I was right, thus I didn't watch it. But I'm a sexist for not liking BvS
I don't like the new Turtles trailer or the previous movie and will not see them, but I guess I'm sexist.

and I support AVGN opinion on the new GB
Ha thanks guys, wish I could work with the voices only from the trailers but didn't manage to with audacity. It was fun to make. I don't think they market it really well. It's not really a good idea to put long jokes in a trailer and they don't even try to build up some mystery in them. Oh well. I will still watch the movie, I am not losing hope xD
Here's a good story in Esquire to counteract the Angey dude that lives in his mom's basemet or whatevs -

You're Whining About the Ghostbusters Reboot Because You're Still a Child and Need to Grow Up

The original movie will still be around. Movies aren't made just for you, etc, etc.

Still, it is 100% ok to look at the trailer and say "This is not for me" or "I don't like the look of it". It is all this teeth gnashing that is so ridiculous.

Isn't this the same argument people make to defend disappointing films like KotCS and the PT? "The originals are still there!"

Yeah, they are. That's rather beside the point, though. If you want to see those stories continue and you get a reboot that ignores the old continuity, it usually signifies that the old continuity will never be revisited. That's disappointing to some fans. It's also fair to hold reboots to the standard of the original. After all, they're banking on the familiarity with the brand being what sells the movie, and that brand became familiar because the original was probably well regarded (or the flipside argument: nobody's remaking Cutthroat Island or Tango & Cash).

Everyone knows the originals are still there. What they're hoping to see, usually, is a continuation of the originals, either in spirit, quality, or continuity, and ideally all three. If a film looks like it ain't doing any of that...I'd say it's fair for fans of the originals to complain about it.
If you want to see those stories continue and you get a reboot that ignores the old continuity, it usually signifies that the old continuity will never be revisited. If a film looks like it ain't doing any of that...I'd say it's fair for fans of the originals to complain about it.

this is one trend i am thankful is changing a little. the constant focus on new universe only, trashing the old one forever. I think people hating reboots has something to do with IDW continuing the original series universe....and ignoring the new one. Or the new Star Trek Series going back to the real universe and ignoring the JJ Verse. Too bad the star wars books can't do the same. I miss Jaina, Jag, and all the supporting characters like tallon karde.

Honestly, I'd like to see ONE article out there that doesn't read the same. and trashes the movie. I've never seen so many hollywood articles not only gang together and have the same narrative (you're a whiny man baby if you have an opinion that goes against the conformity, even if you say it logically...)...but activley trash the fan base of the franchise they are trying to support. It flies against all logic and sanity, doesn't it? yet, that was article #463 that I see posted around the net daily. I could easily post 200 or so that all read the same, including videos. Oh well, I'll give hat article one thing. at least it didn't compare us to nazi germany like one video did. that got downvoted into oblivion rather quickly.

I also find it amuzing that the cinemassacre AVGN video's LIKES are shooting up as fast at the official trailers dislikes. it was already up to 60,000 likes last I checked. and it was only posted a few days ago.

I just hope people vote with their wallet. I'll be VERY dissapointed in humanity if this thing makes more than $10 million...and down right depressed if it makes over 60 million ;o).
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