GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Well, its hard to know it that version with guys would have been good or not, so maybe its better they did stop it. Without Harold Ramis, its just not the same.

To be honest, it sounded equally uninspired. They were doing the same technique, just targeting a different demographic. Russo Bros. (of Captain America: TWS/Civil War fame), Channing Tatum, etc. It was basically just "Who makes money these days? Now shove them into a Ghostbusters project." I mean, maybe it could've worked, but my guess is it would've been equally poorly conceived and executed, and probably a beat-for-beat remake, even if it was within the established continuity.

It doesn't necessarily have to be Egon, Peter, Ray and Winston in action, though I'd be fine with that in an approach similar to Real Ghostbusters. The only qualification I need from the project is that it take place in their continuity. GHOSTBUSTERS isn't GHOSTBUSTERS without that history in place. I'd be fine with Feig's team if they were picking up the mantle from the originals (whether or not he's able to make a funny movie from it would be another story, but I discount the reboot approach on principle).

I discount it as well, but I also discount the remake approach (doubly so when it comes as a result of a reboot).
I just watched Jumanji last night and was looking up stuff about it and see that there now making a reboot for that movie with Dwayne Johnson. Seriously, why don't we just go take a dump on Robin Williams grave....even if he was cremated. This stuff is just getting out of hand.

why bother caring about reboots when you can just reboot it in 4 years if you get the last reboot wrong?
On rebooting this (again) I'll quote another movie that recently got rebooted:

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should"

Meanwhile, (and sorry if this has been posted here before, I can't remember), but speaking of how older trailers used to be good, here's a trailer that is good enough to get butts in seats. 3-1 watching it makes you go looking through your DVDs.

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That is a truly excellent trailer. Can you imagine if that movie didn't exist and you saw that trailer today, with that cast? Incredible.
That is a truly excellent trailer. Can you imagine if that movie didn't exist and you saw that trailer today, with that cast? Incredible.

if you believe other places who've brought that trailer up, they say it's terrible, and that we shouldn't judge the new movie on their terrible trailer either. i've seen this said at least 5 times by people...
I'm gonna say that the term "reboot" is used when talking about a franchise.

You "remake" a film, but you "reboot" a series.

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I'm going to make my prediction now: this will do well opening week due to advanced buzz, morbid curiosity, etc. After that, based on the film's merits (or lack thereof) it will see a sharp decline in box office.

Honestly, I'll probably see this. It's not a "must see" by any stretch of the imagination, but I'll see it on a Tuesday special at a local theater.
A reboot is where you launch a franchise or brand anew. It may be identical to the original or completely different. Many reboots are totally different from what came before. In general, though, any past continuity is treated as some kind of alternate universe which has no bearing on the current film. Examples: Batman Begins; Battlestar Galactica (2000s series); The Incredible Hulk (2008); The Amazing Spider-Man. In some cases, your reboot is a "soft" reboot that acknowledges some or even all of what came before, but seeks to dramatically reorient the series. Examples: Superman Returns; Casino Royale.

A remake, though, is where you are actually trying to pretty closely ape what came before. You are literally remaking what has already been made. There might be slight deviations, but at the core, it's basically the same thing as before. In some limited cases, you can have a "soft" remake, where you hit pretty much the same notes/beats as the original, but you still treat the film as part of the existing continuity. Example: Ghostbusters 2; several Bond films (e.g. The Spy Who Loved Me is sort of a soft remake of You Only Live Twice, and Moonraker is a soft remake of The Spy Who Loved Me).

This new Ghostbusters film is a reboot in that it throws out the previously established continuity as if it never occurred. It's also a remake in that it takes the same 4-person team of scientists with the same racial makeup, and has them establishing their Ghostbusters brand after starting from humble origins. Based on what little we know of the film, it hits many of the beats of the original, even if it isn't, like, a shot-for-shot remake.
The Prototype ghost trap. I guess it's funny because it's huge?

At least the original, big as it was, you didn't need to see it's inner workings. it opened up, ghost got sucked in, bam, gone. you didn't need to reverse engineer it to see what was inside.

With this thing, i'm trying to figure out how the hell it even works. the domino reality effect isn't there.

It seems like they're trying to hard now. Just making all this over the top crazy stuff with no point to it. They could have copied the original design and most people wouldn't have cared.

Oh fer GAWD'S sake! that looks like a bloody generator!!! I disagree on trying too hard,more like not trying at all :behave
here's something i've been wondering.

feigbusters has been trending on Facebook, at least on my feed, for at least 5 days straight now.

Do you think they are worried about that negative publicity?

Are past the worrying point?

Or secretly hoping that WITH all the negative pub, it'll get enough people in the seats opening weekend, for curiousness sake, to earn at least part of their money back?
Yeah, this will make money. Don't expect it to fail financially. It's probably gonna Or maybe even be reasonably successful financially. Reviews will likely talk about the controversy surrounding the film and then otherwise excuse the film as "a fun retread of the old concept." Or something to that effect.

Expect 1-2 sequels, and then a later reboot.

To the extent that they're worried about anything in terms of the film's reception, it's probably the "anti-Ghostbusters" crusade hijacking their marketing efforts. But even then, I doubt they're all that worried.

Also, your facebook "trends" are based at least partially on your own search/internet history. They know what you're looking for, and they'll show you that stuff. So if you're constantly scouring the web for Ghostbusters news, that's what they'll show you. In my "trending" it's mostly political stuff and the odd Game of Thrones or Marvel movie report.
Also, your facebook "trends" are based at least partially on your own search/internet history. They know what you're looking for, and they'll show you that stuff. So if you're constantly scouring the web for Ghostbusters news, that's what they'll show you. In my "trending" it's mostly political stuff and the odd Game of Thrones or Marvel movie report.

huh..learn something new every day...

I don't search for many things. maybe it goes by the groups i visit.
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