Ghostbusters 3 is a go! (according to the writers, director and producer)

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Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Last Entertainment Weekly had a small blurb with a picture of Sigourney Weaver stating that in GB3 should wouldn't mind seeing her on screen son Oscar as the new gen of Ghostbusters. Apparently Ivan Reitman liked the idea.

We shall see! Maybe Shia LeBoufadora can play Oscar!?
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Also seeing Bill Murray strap on a Proton Pack and GB gear at those very strange Scare Awards show in November was odd but it got the crowd going!
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

This is so simple.

You go back to Ackroyd original ideas for the the movie.

Ghostbusting has become like a garbage man's job. Franchises everywhere.

Inter-dimensional travel and busting occurs.

The original crew is brought back to work with burned out crew and return busting to it's glory with their style.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

This isn't Shakespeare, or even Star Wars.

It just needs to be funny and have clever enough situations, introduce some likeable new characters to work with the old ones and get on with the ghost busting with some up to date new tech to save the world again.

Oh yeah, and be better then GB2.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

This is so simple.

You go back to Ackroyd original ideas for the the movie.

Ghostbusting has become like a garbage man's job. Franchises everywhere.

Inter-dimensional travel and busting occurs.

The original crew is brought back to work with burned out crew and return busting to it's glory with their style.

I too like the franchise idea, seems the obvious direction for the business.

It was a business afterall.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

And it's Murray's wise ass style that seems to be what people are interested in seeing. So having Venkman return from "retirement" to save the world would certainly play into Murray's ego.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

^Oozing genius. You should put that stuff in a bottle Mic:) I hope this movie happens.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

^Oozing genius. You should put that stuff in a bottle Mic:) I hope this movie happens.

It was Aykroyds Idea. Ernie Hudson told me the whole idea over dinner like... 8 years ago? I don't even remember how long ago it was.

They could and HAD to travel interdimentionally to another plane of existance. NY was NY but not. And you could see ghosts and demons walking around over everyones shoulder.

I don't know if THAT was the exact one Mic was referring to. Appearently thre have been several ideas pitched... I am thinking from what we are hearing GB3 is gonna be an amalgamation of a few of those ideas mixed together.


I just hope we walk out of the theater and say, "it was worth it, I'm glad they did it!"
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

The franchise idea would tie in with the game too as they mention a franchise at the end of it. I just hope they take their time and make this good.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

I'd just like to see Venkman super rich from the "franchise rights" and the other guys having to convince Pete to join back up. All he ever was interested in was the money (and the girl).
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

It was Aykroyds Idea. Ernie Hudson told me the whole idea over dinner like... 8 years ago? I don't even remember how long ago it was.

They could and HAD to travel interdimentionally to another plane of existance. NY was NY but not. And you could see ghosts and demons walking around over everyones shoulder.

I don't know if THAT was the exact one Mic was referring to. Appearently thre have been several ideas pitched... I am thinking from what we are hearing GB3 is gonna be an amalgamation of a few of those ideas mixed together.


I just hope we walk out of the theater and say, "it was worth it, I'm glad they did it!"

Very interesting. Sounds promising, and sounds like a good movie. I'm with you, and hoping the same when we do get a movie, I so hope it will be worth seeing.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

I'd just like to see Venkman super rich from the "franchise rights" and the other guys having to convince Pete to join back up. All he ever was interested in was the money (and the girl).

Honestly, I'd like to see little Oscar, now all grown up, working with the Ghost Busters against the approval of his mother (especially with the on-again/off-again relation that she has with Peter).
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

^Who names a kid after a hotdog anyway. Probaly someone who really loves hotdogs. Anyway, that little kid was frightful. Hopefully he has blossomed into a handsome lad.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

My GB3 Dreamteam:
Vince Vaughn (Venkman's younger brother maybe?)
Ben Stiller (ala Night at the Museum)
Steve Carell (The new 'Egon' character)
Dave Chappelle (Winston get's his nephew a a Ghostbuster)
Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Lewis and Jannine had a kid...and it is McLovin!)


All jokes aside, i say do it with or without Murray
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

I hope it gets made. If it sux, I can just ignore it like Caddy Shack 2. If its good I will welcome it into the fold.
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