Ghostbusters 3 is a go! (according to the writers, director and producer)

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Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Ghostbusters hasn't been a comedy since the first movie.
They might as well make it an Up in the Air type drama and call it a day.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Or they can get the Colorado Ghostbusters involved. They faced Freddy and they certainly returned with a vengeance. Plus, in the "Ghostbusters" video game, the Ed Spengler character from the fan films is made reference to (you can see a kid's drawing "To My Uncle Egon, from Ed." at the Ghostbuster's HQ).
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

The tall guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I Love You Man would be a GREAT Ghostbuster. Not that I think the movie has any chance of being anything but a suckfest, but that guy has a lot of the kind of greasy charm Murray exuded.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Ehhh, I don't know about Carrell as a GB, but the Office guys are writing it, so who knows? I just don't see him fitting.

Now, of the suggestions here, I can really see Jason Segel and maybe John Cusack fitting in the universe. That being said, we could really use a few guys with the improvisational talent Murray and Ackroyd brought to the table.

From what I know if Carrell, at least on Anchorman, almost every one of this "iconic" lines were scripted, and most of the outtakes that deviated fell flat. I know a lot of the office is improvised, but I wouldn't be surprised if we learned his funniest stuff was scripted.

As for a director, I have no idea. Can't think if anyone who could handle the comedy and the fright.

Paul, I nominate you. :lol

:lol i should probably cut my teeth on something a little more... um... little. As for Carrell, you're selling him short, Nick. his facial mannerisms and the little nuances he gives to the Michael character on the office cannot be scripted. if you ever get a chance to listen to the commentary or watch some of the out takes on the dvd - BJ Novak and Mindy always talk him up and praise his ability to take what's on the page and make it into a memorable scene. In some cases you can even compare his way of doing things to Ricky Gervis, who is brilliant by any definition. Same scenes are played entirely different and both are funny. but lets forget Carrell - i know who can take Egon's place and i can't believe he hasn't been mentioned -

RAINN WILSON - think about it. He should be the modern tech guy who carries tons of Taps like equipment and gives 30min explanations for 2 dollar objects. He should foolishly put his trust in technology only so we can see his reactions when it fails and the problem at hand is much larger than he anticipated.

As for Director - i know I'm going to get a lashing for this but - Stephen Chow would be my choice. He does effects humor better than anyone.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

got a chance to meet dan aykroyd yesterday in huntsville, al with some other local ghostbusters costumers for a vodka tour signing. i didnt even think to ask him about casting. he did say that we were going to love the new gear. new traps, packs, and the words "Ecto-3" were dropped. so maybe there will be a completely new car instead of trying to add even more to the clutter on the roof rack of the 1-A. i dont want them to change the gear tho. i love the originals too much!!!
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

got a chance to meet dan aykroyd yesterday in huntsville, al with some other local ghostbusters costumers for a vodka tour signing. i didnt even think to ask him about casting. he did say that we were going to love the new gear. new traps, packs, and the words "Ecto-3" were dropped. so maybe there will be a completely new car instead of trying to add even more to the clutter on the roof rack of the 1-A. i dont want them to change the gear tho. i love the originals too much!!!

Well, it makes sense, as the "Ecto 1" and "Ecto 1A" (from "Ghostbusters 2") are both Cadillacs, but the 1A has slight upgrades. And not to mention the "Ecto 8" from the "Ghostbusters" game and the other "Ghostbuster" vehicles from the films, animated series and whatnot.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Bobby Brown needs a platform to kick start his career once again!

"Too hot to handle, too cold to hold
They're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control
Had 'em throwin' a party for a bunch of children
While all the while the slime was under the building
So they packed up their group, got a grip, came equipped
Grabbed their proton packs off their back and they split
Found about Vigo, the master of evil
Try to battle my boys? That's not legal"

Dude - you just made me want this movie to happen.

look who tosses us a smile at 1:31
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Great. Now I've got that damn song stuck in my head. Blech. I hated it when it was new.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

How's Murrays bank account?

Sad to say ,but I think that is going to be the determiner if it ever gets made.

Glad to see talk of a script being so good it's worth the risk of doing another.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Glad to see talk of a script being so good it's worth the risk of doing another.

... from the mouth of the guy who directed Evolution and My Super Ex Girlfriend. The more I read about GB's production, the more I realize the brilliance was in the collaboration more than any one collaborator. Reitman was in the right place at the right time.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

The more I read about GB's production, the more I realize the brilliance was in the collaboration more than any one collaborator. Reitman was in the right place at the right time.

That could be said for 99.9% of all filmmakers, really. No matter what you believe: no man is an island, no film is one person's singular vision. Yes, Hitch was brilliant. But he was nothing without the great screenwriters he worked with (and, yes, chose). Why did I say 99.9% of filmmakers? Because there is a tiny percentage of people who, on the rare occasion, make me believe in the auteur theory. Filmmakers like Truffaut and Herzog. But again, no man is an island.
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

I have to say, I am excited but hesitant about this. I seem to recall some news/rumors a brief while back about possibly getting Rick Moranis out of retirement? (Aha, found it --from August, so, older than I thought, but looking back I don't see it posted) Talks about a possibly storyline as well. If they do it right (which is a big if, I'm not too keen on a lot of popular comedy currently), it has the potential to be very very awesome.

The tall guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I Love You Man would be a GREAT Ghostbuster.

I'm assuming you mean Jason Segel? From what I've seen from him on How I Met Your Mother and his interest/involvement with the new Muppets movie, I would have to agree. I think he fits in much better than many modern comedians, including Paul Rudd (who I like on his own, but I just can't see him in Ghostbusters).
Re: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!

Not to fill this thing up with too many Modern Family cast members, but Ty Burrell and Eric Stonestreet would both make fine Ghostbusters.

I have to say, I am excited but hesitant about this. I seem to recall some news/rumors a brief while back about possibly getting Rick Moranis out of retirement? (Aha, found it --from August, so, older than I thought, but looking back I don't see it posted) Talks about a possibly storyline as well. If they do it right (which is a big if, I'm not too keen on a lot of popular comedy currently), it has the potential to be very very awesome.

I'm assuming you mean Jason Segel? From what I've seen from him on How I Met Your Mother and his interest/involvement with the new Muppets movie, I would have to agree. I think he fits in much better than many modern comedians, including Paul Rudd (who I like on his own, but I just can't see him in Ghostbusters).
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