Gamorrean Guard


New Member
Apologies if this has been asked before.
I have almost completed my 2nd Star Wars costume (an emperors Royal Guard ) and i am now starting to plan the third (gosh this is an obsession lol) and i would really like that to be a Gamorrean Guard from Return of the Jedi ,
Only snag is that i have zero talent with making or painting things :( :( so i would like to ask if any one here has any advise that they may be able to give me as to how i could track one down down to buy ?

Many thanks for your time
Oh, is that all...?:lol I'm afraid (To my knowledge) that there is no such critter.
A Pig Guard is definately a scratch-built project. I've only ever seen TWO in the 26 years since ROTJ.
They were latex skinned, foam sculptures. The second one I saw was at the 2008 DragonCon in Atlanta. It looked like it walked off the set. Beautiful work.
My wife builds mascots and I have dabbled also in the foam rubber arena. It's complicated, time consuming work. But if you still want some pointers, can give you some.
Hi, I made these ones, it was pretty easy to do the second one and I have even more parts that will make the next ones even easier.

If there is interest, I can put together a tutorial on how I do it.
Well if you do fancy doing a tutorial I would like to know. I`ve fancied doing one of these since 2007 but just don`t know where to start & if at all possible keep costs down LOL The hard part when jumping in.

Surely getting one of those "sumo" suits would be a good start for the body, just modify that, obviously depending on the material it is made out of?
I am working with a local artist who made me a nice sculpt of a gamorrean guard fiberglass lifesized head/shoulders upper bust. Recently we removed the head from its shoulders, seperated the lower jaw, removed the CAP, and are remolding it, so it can be remolded and then made in latex, with the hinged jaw and a real leather cap, and either made as wearable latex mask or a foam filled display of just a head....ask me for photos if you want to see the progress.
Hey the Sumo suits sound an interesting way to start with. Then it`ll be getting the Gamorrean mask, Leather vest,furs etc.

There's one that makes some of the larger Con rounds ... might be the one
that MaskMaker's referring to. Really nice outfit, but you can tell it's the
same person 'cause unfortunately he never wears any eye black. :confused
WOW.... I don't have that much time to do all the work that's required. I have done some painintg, staining before. I am not too bad at blending/mixing colors.

Is anyone interested in making two? I'll help out on the costs, and then I'll have one for my own.

I, too did a Royal Imperial Guard for my second costume... and then after several more, I put together a Blue Senate Guard.....

Thank`s very much for going out of your way doing the tutorial :D Look forward to it :D

There are two on over here in England at the moment , the guy who produces them could ship stateside I imagine. Its far esier to buy than build these monsters, even though that idea is a bit off the RPF ideals:lol
I count 5 in the 501st at this point...

Two are in the Bloodfin Garrison, and I'm sure there are more "out there" than these guys cause I see pics of them all the time now-a-days it seems like.

I'd email one of them and see where to start. Of course starting out by visiting the detachment forums might be a good idea too.

Good luck! :cool

Not 5, the 2 Bloodfin ones you posted are the same guy. He does a lot of conventions and I see him here at 501st events in Michigan quite a bit. His suit parts were rumored to be off a ROTJ original.

I also have met the Wisconsin one once, and his was all scratch built.