Game of Thrones

Edit: I keep trying to link to an onion article called "Oh ****, I Totally Forgot That Happens!" but the link gets asterisk-ed. Censorship fail. Google it.
late spring is what i read. i still haven't seen season 3, only a few episodes. i prefer the DVDs so i can just turn life off and go chill in westeros for 10 hours or so.
Re: Spoilers

Let's stop for a second and consider something before people get their noses out of joint about spoilers.

This book series has been in publication since 1996. The most recent book, number 5, was published two years ago.

Consider a hypothetical situation.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published in 2007. The films for that story weren't released until 2010 and 2011. Suppose that, some time between the release of the first and second film, someone here started a thread to discuss the Harry Potter films. Fans of the book showed up and mentioned Tonks and one of the Weasley twins dying, or whathaveyou, at the climax of the 2nd film.

Or suppose we wanted to discuss the Hunger Games films, and someone mentions how they're looking forward to Peeta's proposal to Katniss or whatever (note: I have no clue if this actually happens, having not read the books, myself).

Spoilery? Inappropriate?

I'd argue "no." I imagine that most people would be like "What? What are you talking about? The books have been out for years." What's different about GoT, then? I'd argue...nothing. Nothing except the fact that (1) it's a TV show instead of a film series, and (2) Harry Potter and the Hunger Games were, perhaps, larger sensations when they hit both in book and film form. GoT has taken longer to go mainstream. That's it. That's the big difference.

People can, out of choice or respect decide not to discuss plot points of future films that have yet to be release, but the books are out there, and I don't think they're under any major obligation not to.

For the same reason, I don't go into, say, the General Whoniverse or Walking Dead discussion threads when I haven't finished a season yet. Why? Because the shows have already aired and I know that people will be discussing spoilers. It's up to me to shield myself from that, if I want to do so. Or asking my friends locally not to reveal this or that. But just random folks on the internet? They don't owe me anything in that regard.

Folks here will, I expect, try to keep spoiler information out of the thread as much as possible, but some stuff will slip here and there. And hell, even the SHOW spoils some stuff for the books, since bits of Book 5 have aired (in their chronologically appropriate place) during Season 3. I'm not up to Book 5 yet in my reading. Should I be pissed at the show? I don't think so. It's up to me to consume what I want and avoid what I don't want when it comes to the show.

If you want a pristine the books and let it all hit you without knowing what happens. If you refuse to read the books, that's your choice, but nobody else is under an obligation to protect your experience of the show because of it. If we do so, we do it out of courtesy, not obligation.
The wait for next season sucks

Nice wrap up episode and setting up for the next season. The scene between Ramsey and Theon was pretty amusing in a very sick and twisted way
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