Game of Thrones

Vermithrax is mentioned in S1 as one of the Targaryen's dragons, but Aegon I's dragon, the famous one thats mentioned a few times, was named Balerion. The other 2 are pretty interesting, though. I wonder if GRRM has talked about it before? Might be something fun to research one day.
We'll see. I wouldn't get too excited yet. Sure, it looks like it should, but there's no guarantee that's how they'll use it. Likewise, "legendary fighter" could be anyone.
I really hated everytime the phrase came up in the books and on the show. It got really tiring, really fast, to constantly hear one character or another say, "it is known" after someone else says something.
I know, I know...
That's why I used it.
But I do so very sparingly, I promise.
Well, I don't know about yours, but my Jon Snow is known.

BUGHUNTER , if its from critics , i dont care ( cus most critics are just greedy pos as we have seen from IGN , with no scruples)
atleast if we got a prequel we can expect to see the BLACK DRAGONS and maybe a what if episode with RHAEGO conquering the nations of that world ( in the theme of THE BUFFY episode where she is in the mental hospital) and more of the greyjoys before the war and rob taking the throne :) .

"Lombardo also put an end to the rampant speculation that Jon Snow (Kit Harington), who died in the Season 5 finale, may in fact not be dead.

“Dead is dead as dead as dead. He be dead. Yes. From everything I’ve seen, heard, read, Jon Snow is indeed dead,” he said."

More of the same distraction/misdirection or not?
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IF, they were to do a prequel, I'd love for them to tackle the Dunk and Egg trilogy that is set about 100 years or so before the current era in Game of Thrones. They are excellent short stories that would be a natural blend. For some reason while reading them, I pictured Channing Tatum as Dunk; he plays a big, (dumb?) likable, humble guy very well.
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"Lombardo also put an end to the rampant speculation that Jon Snow (Kit Harington), who died in the Season 5 finale, may in fact not be dead.

“Dead is dead as dead as dead. He be dead. Yes. From everything I’ve seen, heard, read, Jon Snow is indeed dead,” he said."

More of the same distraction/misdirection or not?
Depends on what theories you follow (book spoilers and possible spoilerific theories):

My theory is that there's something in the Stark blood that gives them some kind of resistance to the controlling effect of the White Walkers... but still allows them to be raised. So he'll be back as a zombie, but he'll still be himself.

That's a theory that comes from the books and the "Coldhands" character that was was cut from the show that everyone more or less agrees is probably Benjin Stark, killed by the White Walkers and raised as a wight, but still in control of his faculties and off doing his own thing.
Depends on what theories you follow (book spoilers and possible spoilerific theories):

My theory is that there's something in the Stark blood that gives them some kind of resistance to the controlling effect of the White Walkers... but still allows them to be raised. So he'll be back as a zombie, but he'll still be himself.

That's a theory that comes from the books and the "Coldhands" character that was was cut from the show that everyone more or less agrees is probably Benjin Stark, killed by the White Walkers and raised as a wight, but still in control of his faculties and off doing his own thing.

I don't think your statement about Coldhands is accurate at all. Most on the ASOIAF forums I frequent agree that he is NOT Benjen and in fact couldn't be Benjen. Leaf, in Dance of Dragons states that Coldhands was killed long ago. For a being that is over 200 years old to speak that way about someone would pretty much guarantee that it isn't Benjen, as he could've only been dead in the past 3 years or so.
“Dead is dead as dead as dead. He be dead. Yes. From everything I’ve seen, heard, read, Jon Snow is indeed dead,” he said."

Y'know, I've heard something similar to this...

"No, in the second Star Trek film, Benedict Cumberbacht will absolutely, positively, in no way, shape, or form be playing Khan."
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