Full Scale WALL-E Build


Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody,

Over the past several months I have been working with members of the R2 Builders to produce good drawings of WALL-E so members of the WALL-E Builders Yahoo Group can build their own 1:1 scale WALL-E.

Last week we were able to get the front, side, and top views finished to the point where I was able to start building.

Here is what I have so far.


When I get the remaining sides on I'll post another update.

If you want to build your own WALL-E feel free to join the fun.


The new Wall-e official site has a great shot of the robot completely shut down in box mode. You do have to wait a minute to see the conversion, as well when he pops out the solar panels. The dynamics of the shape of the bottom section are slightly angled, you will want to take a look.
Here's another update.


I think I'm getting MDF poisoning. :sick

Here's a rear view as well.
I need to get all these compond corners to meet.

A builders club for a robot from a movie that has not even come out yet..you folks like to stay ahead of the game.
Looks cool so far I hope the movie is good as well:thumbsup
Yeah, It started out as a thread I started on the R2 Builders and it grew large enough that they wanted WALL-E to have a Builders Group of his own.

It's kind of like how the R2 Builders were before they made uniform parts.

I'm sure everyones WALL-E's will look a little different like R2-D2's looked back then but building is half the fun.

A builders club for a robot from a movie that has not even come out yet..you folks like to stay ahead of the game.
Looks cool so far I hope the movie is good as well:thumbsup

Looks like TMP's Iron Man suit will be completed for the premiere; I don't see the difference. WALL-E is one of my most anticipated films of the year, can't wait to see the little guy completed!

This will be a fun build to watch, congrats for taking on this new project. I am hoping this film will be as good as the trailer.

Looks like TMP's Iron Man suit will be completed for the premiere; I don't see the difference. WALL-E is one of my most anticipated films of the year, can't wait to see the little guy completed!

I think it looks cool as well, I was just suprised at the early build is all, but since you compaired the two I do see a big difference. One is an established Character with a history of over 40 years and one is a character no one has seen outside of a trailer. Just not the same thing. An Iron Man costume would be popular no matter if the movie was the biggest stinker of all time (with a comic and cartoon series to back up it's long history.) If Wall-E is the biggest Suckfest of all time it has nothing to fall back on, it would be a big build for nothing.
BUTI don't think it is, and I was not trying to drag things off topic so I will shut-up about it - I think it is a cool build, and you are right OhioAstromech, part of the fun is the fact that these first builds will all be a little different - much like the start of R2 was.:)
I hope you post the bluerints when you are done, looks great. Ever thought of making some of the pieces from laser cut acrylic?


We hopefully will have the Top side and front view cad files up in pdf format today of Monday.

We only have 8 weeks till the movie is released.

Ask and you shall receive.

The files are going up on the WALL-E Builders Group as we speak.

Anyone who would like to build your own scratch built WALL-E before the premiere feel free to join the fun.

We have less than 2 months to go.



I hope you post the bluerints when you are done, looks great. Ever thought of making some of the pieces from laser cut acrylic?
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