Im making 2 dozen Xenomorph Eggs (full size)


Sr Member
Like it says on the tin, im making 24 xenomorph eggs.

Theyre for a halloween party.

No, they're not for sale.

For starters i had to make the mold, the mold master was this.


A plaster casting that came from Stan Winstons shop years ago (supposedly) that we think is Ressurections (maybe)

Anyway, made a matrix mold. 6 gallons of mold max 30 and lots of fiberglass later...



And started rotocasting them from 65D
They take a gallon and a half each.

Ive done 8 so far. 16 to go. Then its painting time.


Oh wow, those castings already look super sweet. (Also yeah that rotocaster is pretty awesome wow...)
Now all that's left is some giant egg cartons :unsure:
Really Beautiful work. I love turning the messed up cast into a pumpkin!! Such a clever use of a bad cast. The costumes are great too. EXCELLENT!!!
If you do it again, try making a motorized rubber egg - among the static ones - with motion detectors that opens when people get too close and have a spring trap mechanism that sends a facehugger out. Maybe have it be the last one in the row.
Looks like a great party! The eggs look superb. That lazer is the cherry on top. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Can I ask: You still have/do those Tracker Kits? Finally got one of those portable TVs. Send you a PM. Thanks and sorry to bother.

Great work man.