Great video! Very interesting. Try going through the airport with that!!
Hmmmm....actually, we DID go through the airport with the original case Steve and I were lent by Desmond Llewelyn.
We needed to be cautious with the case as it was the original case used in the film. Airport security was approached and it was explained what the case was and why we needed to have it as a carry-on piece.
Of course, there were no .22 cal cartridges nor gold soverigns or real knives in the case.
One of the funny parts about that trip was that when we arrived at Heathrow Airport they X-rayed our bags as we exited. Both Gary Giblin and I went through and as they put Steve's suitcase on the conveyor belt...our mouths dropped as we both saw the x-ray outline of the Golden gun appear on the monitor!!!!!
Steve had left it assembled and it, obviously, detained us until it was explained it was only a prop we were bringing in to present to the former VP at Colibri.
Luckily, the airport Security Guards were Bond fans (Whew!!) and let us pass through with no problems.
The other Airport incident was when we were getting ready to depart I discovered that I had Steve's replica PPK in one of many pockets of my suitcase!
We had used this several weeks before when we filmed the SD Studios TV commercial and I did not know someone had put it in my suitcase.
So....not only did it get past Security when we left the Philadelphia airport as well as when we arrived in the UK but it made it back through both airports on our return trip...scary!!!!