Fleshy Headed Mutant from the Forbidden Zone aka Bob and Doug McKenzie (been done?)

Max Replica

Well-Known Member
I've seen plenty of Bob and Doug McKenzie costumes over the years, but has anyone ever gone as them from the movie-within-a-movie from Strange Brew?

Yes, I mean Bob in his hockey helmet with tape measure walkie-talkie and ping pong ball gun, and Doug in his fleshy headed mutant costume.

YouTube - Bob and Doug McKenzie - Strange Brew Clip #1

I think this would be genius. Maybe I can convince my brother to do it with me at some point. Because radiation has made him an enemy of civilization.
Re: Fleshy Headed Mutant from the Forbidden Zone aka Bob and Doug McKenzie (been done

Bob McKenzie - Fleshy-headed mutant. Are you friendly?
Doug McKenzie - No way, eh? Ra-... radiation has made... me an enemy of civilization.
Bob McKenzie - Alpha Base. This is Bob McKenzie. I have a fleshy-headed mutant in sector 16B.
Bob shoots Doug with a toy foam launcher
Doug McKenzie - Ahhh! Take off, you hoser.

Great idea and it seems like they'd be somewhat easy to put together. Hardest part might be finding the right hocky helmet that Bob wears.
Re: Fleshy Headed Mutant from the Forbidden Zone aka Bob and Doug McKenzie (been done

that would be a fantastic set of costumes.