First Foam Build: Ends Of The Earth Inspired Spider-Man Armor (PIC Heavy)

Chrome base on the back IMAG1467.jpgIMAG1466.jpg
Some notes on the power core, in case someone wants a similar look... The top piece is a gatorade cap painted black with holes drilled in the top and sides. There's one LED back lighting it, then a black wire braided through the side holes and the cardboard base. Then I bundles some random wires and ran it from the cap to the next piece.. the bottom piece is made of foam pieces I cut and painted and the light inside it is two leds facing each other in a small plastic tube.

Now I'm working on the eyes. I don't recall if I mentioned this, but i used the eyes I had made before on my other spidey costume for Halloween. But its for the best. I'm going to light the eyes, so I have to start from scratch on them.. here's the progress and design so far:
It would be so much easier to light these eyes if they were tiny like iron man eyes..
Bit they're massive lol.. so I've been running some tests. Here is where I'm at:

I lined the side of the eye with led lights then dug a channel between them Into the foam and covered that with hot glue to create a sort of light tube deal.. there's still a dark spot since the eyes are curved, so I'll do the same thing in the top brow piece of the eye
- - - Updated - - -

Ah yes I see that now, I was quite tired last night as I looks through all the new pics. Sorry!

Still looks cool ;)

I believe the light is on the back not the chest

You're both right... Lights on back and front. The back light is way cooler as of now, but I'm working on that... Soon the chest light will be awesome too (fingers crossed)
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