First Fallout new Vegas DLC out now. Possible spoilers.

Wes R

Legendary Member
I swear this thing must have just come out today as I didn't see it last night when I checked. It's rated for level 20 and higher characters. i don't know much more than what they tell you in game as i'm still 2 levels shy of being brave enough to try. A radio signal takes you to an abandoned BOS bunker that was in the game before but was useless. From here you are sent to a new area that focuses on a Casino called Sierra Madre that feature is supposed to be having its grand opening but by the sounds of it the thing has been waiting to open since at least before the war. I hope to be able to post more info soon.
Sounds like it could be a pain but man that cash would be nice. I'm just happy they boosted the level cap.
Exactly. Everything about NV has a rat pack reference or two to it and since that was one of their biggest movies. I'd love to see the other characters all be references to the actors. You could have a post apocalyptic Dean martin.
Really? You need the caps?

If anything, I thought going from broke to Joe Richman was super easy - no matter what mode you have it on.
Actually i just got the perk that improves the amount of caps you find but i can never have enough. I just like seeing how much i can make. My first time i beat the game i had so much ammo and stimpacks that i don't think I spent any caps in a long time.
Not sure. I'm about 2 hours into the thing and not even inside the casino yet. its not bad, the toxins in the place are more dangerous than the enemies so far. That and not being able to see the speakers that set off your explosive collar, all you hear is beeping but never see the blasted things.
I'm still waiting for the DLC that features the return of Sergeant Dornan, and a trip to Arroyo.
i was kinda hoping this one would lead north towards that massive morman settlement on the frontier they're always talking about. They're going to have to do the fans a favor and go back to the old stomping grounds from the first two games. I always wondered why the vault doors were different on 101 and 13. Turns out vault tec changed designs halfway through the building of the vaults (or so they came up with as a story to cover continuity issues, like why none of the guns look like the ones in the original games. I miss watching that plasma rifle from fallout 1 melt guys).
I really hope this will be out next week for the PC!

Some people are speculating that there's going to be an Area 51 DLC since you're in Nevada. Also I'm guessing there will be a DLC dealing with Caesar's previous second in command Joshua Graham since they made such a big deal on the radio about him.
Probably that would be an interesting one. I activated the gates to get into the casino and i only have 2 bars of life left. that is not fun at all trying to get where you need to go like that and of course my armor's busted. hopefully i won't have to start over.
Probably that would be an interesting one. I activated the gates to get into the casino and i only have 2 bars of life left. that is not fun at all trying to get where you need to go like that and of course my armor's busted. hopefully i won't have to start over.

Are you playing on Hardcore level?
Actually no i'm playing on easy and its still whooping me.

I'm on my third play through on nomarl and I almost got wiped out at the Deathclaw Promontory and I have high sneak and the Alien blaster... Gotta admire Veronica though because she was punching Deathclaws all over the place until she became unconscious! :lol
lol. The normal game isn't that bad for me on easy or normal but its the fact that in the new DLC that healing items are hard to find, you end up using food more, and that there is no way to fix your armor once it's busted.