Finished Fett jetback


Sr Member
Nothing fancy but I finally finished my Fett Jetback (nice to finish something once in awhile:lol)
To be fair it was finished when I bought it from another board member, but it broke in a few places during the trip here (not the sellers fault just rough trip.) Some glue, putty and paint and all is well. I wanted it as a wall hanger and it works fantastic, now I need to get a Jagno Arena jetpack as well:rolleyes
Anyway here is a shot of it mounted on the wall. When I finish my R2 this will be over his head.:love
Thats a very nice jetpack and paintjob also:thumbsup Any plans to make a finished Boba or do you just want to have the jetpack as a hanging display?
If it was Jango's it would be the same paint but very clean and new:lol.
I like the ROTJ Boba the best so that is the focus of my Boba stuff. I am not sure about a full display. Maybe...I am working on a ROTJ Boba helmet as well at the moment.:thumbsup
If it was Jango's it would be the same paint but very clean and new:lol.
I like the ROTJ Boba the best so that is the focus of my Boba stuff. I am not sure about a full display. Maybe...I am working on a ROTJ Boba helmet as well at the moment.:thumbsup

I stand corrected:$

I just thought the ROTJ was more damaged
Well the flash always does seems to take some of the weatering away but it is suppose to be a Boba ROTJ. According to the wise folks at TDH It is suppose to have some red paint over spray on the silver part of the missile, but it does not look right to me in person like that so I left it off. Jango had it new so all the dirt and scratches would not have been there. Either way, I am not a perfectionist when it comes to screen accurate so it works for me:thumbsup
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