Peep Williams
Well-Known Member
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Armor completely weathered 10/29)
Whew, so I've been painting ALL DAY. I tried masking off the cheeks but that failed pretty horribly, so I made the decision to break out the ol' paint brushes and hand paint the cheeks , and visor details with spraypaint, which is no easy task. I painted all day, and I'm finally satisfied (liiiiiittle bit more touching up to do).
It went from this this morning:
to this this evening:
Remember I still have to remove mustard, fire and ash weather, as well as paint the white stripe on the dome.
Whew, so I've been painting ALL DAY. I tried masking off the cheeks but that failed pretty horribly, so I made the decision to break out the ol' paint brushes and hand paint the cheeks , and visor details with spraypaint, which is no easy task. I painted all day, and I'm finally satisfied (liiiiiittle bit more touching up to do).
It went from this this morning:
to this this evening:
Remember I still have to remove mustard, fire and ash weather, as well as paint the white stripe on the dome.