Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/19)

Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Armor completely weathered 10/29)

Whew, so I've been painting ALL DAY. I tried masking off the cheeks but that failed pretty horribly, so I made the decision to break out the ol' paint brushes and hand paint the cheeks , and visor details with spraypaint, which is no easy task. I painted all day, and I'm finally satisfied (liiiiiittle bit more touching up to do).
It went from this this morning:


to this this evening:




Remember I still have to remove mustard, fire and ash weather, as well as paint the white stripe on the dome.
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet painting in progress 10/29)

I went ahead and finished up the helmet... The visor was a paiiiin to install right...








And here's the whole set so far.
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet pretty much done 10/30)

how you making your ears/rangefinder and have you got a visor sorted yet?

edit: nvm about the visor, you posted an update in between me reading and posting

edit 2: what is the visor made from, custom made, improvised build or bought online?
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet pretty much done 10/30)

No ears yet, I've got to sort those out somehow, the visor is a green tinted faceshield from RJ safety.
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet pretty much done 10/30)

Duuude, It's so awesome! Amazing details! Good job bro!
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet pretty much done 10/30)

AMAZING JOB BRO :cool, i know your frustration with it never coming out the way you want it . Your your own biggest critic but from a fellow mando lover and fiberglassed pepakura builder I say bravo Awesome job man especially with the battle damage and bucket.
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet pretty much done 10/30)

If my helm turns out HALF as good, ill be really pleased. Great job :thumbsup
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Helmet pretty much done 10/30)

Alright so long time no update eh? School had been crazy for a long time and I sort of ran out of money, but now I'm starting up some more work!
I had never sewn before, but had to get a vest sewn in a canvas like material so I went ahead and tried it...

not too happy with the angle of the shoulders but I think with armor on them they'll work better.


Speaking of shoulders, Here's my WIP ones, they need a bit of work

Just south of the shoulders are the knees, sorta, so here one is, heavy WIP.





Knees made from 4 inch PVC couplers cut in half and heated with a blow torch and shaped.
Here's one I haven't finished yet because my dremel cutting wheel broke... sad day, but you get the idea of how they're made.




SO on the vest I still have to dye it a darker color, attach velcro for the back closure, and for armor attachment.
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/

That's amazing! It looks great so far. Did you have any issues with the pep method? Mine didn't quite take the right shape so I improvised. It is sorta my own design influenced dy Star Killer's Dark Lord Armour
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/

This is a great build! I don't see anything wrong with the shoulders in the vest and for being your first time it's fantastic... Keep up the great work.
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/

Duuuuude, that weathering detail is amazing! Nice
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/

Amazing work! How did you weather / age the flightsuit? In the original shot of the suit I thought to myself "oh that looks way too new, it'll never work." and then in the next shot BAM, it looked perfect. Any methods you prefer to use when weathering / aging soft marerials?
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/

how did your build turn out?
Re: Fierfek's Pep Fett, custom armor, and blaster (Finally new pics, new progress 12/

Hi, not to be pesky or anything, but where did you get this file? I can't seem to find a download for it anywhere. :(