Favorite NES game?


Master Member
For those of us who grew up when the NES was jawdropping! :)

After playing pong and atari, playing mario bros at home was seriously a religious experience!:lol

After reading through the BTTF vid game thread I got to thinking about those old NES games. I still have several and decided to pull it out. Most games are absolutely horrid to play, while some are still awesome. All 3 mario games are as good as ever. They are sidescrolling gold IMHO.

My 2 favorite games of all time on that system though are still Blaster Master, and Ninja Gaiden. I don't know anyone other than me that beat either game, and I can still bust through both of em pretty quick up untill their last few UNBELIEVABLY hard levels. :)

Just got to level 6 in blaster master in 1 life!

What are/were your favorites on this old timer?

You can throw in any other games too. But what are/were your faves on the NES in particular?

I can still beat it without entering the konami code :)



I love that game too, but unfortunately I had already heard of the code by the time I got the game. Thus I never tried without it! :( Kinda ruined it.

A very hard game even with the code though! :thumbsup
I didn't have a NES, but played them at my friends' houses and sometimes they'd bring 'em over and we'd play at my house.

Favorites included:

- Rampage Nothing like playing as a towering monster destroying a city.

- Metroid This game was the first game I ever used a hint book for.

- Excitebike I have fond memories of playing this over at my friend Adam's house when school was canceled for snow.

- And, of course, the INCOMPARABLE original Bionic Commando. A friend brought this game over to my house and we spent an entire day trying to beat it. we got to LITERALLY the last level where you fall down this shaft and have to PERFECTLY time a bazooka shot at the cockpit of a helicopter. His folks showed up right then and said we got ONE shot at this.

We missed the shot.


This, of course, caused me to download the Bionic Commando remake on XBLA. I WILL beat that damn game!!!
Super Mario Bros.
Medal of Honor
Crash Bandicoot
Wipeout XL

Those are the ones I remember most.
I enjoyed Super Mario Bros and LOVED annihilating at Super Dodgeball!

Best thing about a modded Xbox..I have all of these games (and many other consoles) and can "save state" any time so I don't have to start over.

PAINFULL to play those old Atari 2600 games.
Well being a Star Trek fanboy "Starfleet Academy: Starship Bridge Simulator" has to be my favourite.

However I used to play "Donkey Kong Country" for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS on end! :lol

SNES had a version of DooM that was pretty close to the PC game.

Did anyone play megaman 9?

Came out for the Wii and Xbox live.

Was a NES type "sequal" A friend and I played through it. Was nostalgic goodness! :)