Favorite Movies from the 80's that nobody seems to talk about anymore

So, I'm going to subscribe to this thread and in a few days time I'm going to make a list and get started watching them. :lol: I've been on an '80s kick lately, even started playing Vice City again.
Surprised no one brought up Weird Science. Strange Brew is a guilty pleasure of mine, lol. Same goes for The Last Starfighter.
- Married to the Mob
- Jumpin' Jack Flash
- Three Men and a Baby
- Look Who's Talking
- The Mosquito Coast
- First Born
- The Manhattan Project
- Streets of Fire
- The Philadelphia Experiment
- Overboard
I think a lot of people of my generation do remember and enjoy a lot of the films mentioned so far. Whether they get discussed or not is entirely dependant on the company and circumstance.

I agree completely. There's only three or four or five so far that my pals and I don't often reference.
Garbage Pail kids. Transformers: The movie (the one that doesn't suck). GI joe the movie (didn't do well but was surprisingly violent). Critters. I agree with Steel Dawn. Most of the ones i think of were already named. Tremors, Delta Force. Man i went to the movies a ton as a kid lol. Life force also has an very young Patrick stewart in it. I missed alot of movies with being 5 in 1984 lol. I'm catching up now as most of what i get are 80s movies. I didn't see Legend named.
Also 2010 is never talked about and it is a really good movie and i learned not long ago it was oscar worthy.
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Less Than Zero (I know the book is still talked about)
Young Einstein (oh, come on! Who can forget how Einstein defused an atomic bomb with the power of Rock and Roll?)
Biggles: Adventures in Time (I remember watching this one on HBO when I was little)
Cherry 2000 (been mentioned here a few times at the RPF)
The Junkman (the followup to the original "Gone in 60 Seconds")
Somewhere in Time (not talked about much, except by those who are fans of this film)
F/X (I couldn't find a trailer for it, but it's a great movie. Spun-off a TV series that starred Carrie-Anne Moss, known for her performances in "The Matrix" and "Memento")
Bright Lights, Big City (the book itself probably still gets talked about, but I haven't heard much about the film in a long time)
White of the Eye (another Donald Cammell classic, in my opinion)
Shock Treatment (the continuing adventures of Brad and Janet and predicts the Reality TV craze by decades)

BTW, I mentioned "Dreamscape". Here's the trailer for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCrtOAC-wsE
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Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.
I forgot Young Einstein.

somewhere in time: holy cow that was a young chris Reeve.
somewhere in time: holy cow that was a young chris Reeve.

It was some time after the first "Superman" movie. In fact there's a bit of trivia about "Somewhere in Time" that ties in with a showing for "Superman": While Christopher Reeve was filming this movie, the local theater decided to show his latest hit Superman (1978). Many of the "Somewhere" cast joined the locals for the event. Early into the screening, the sound went out. Reeve, who was seated next to Jane Seymour, stood up in the audience and delivered all the lines. (from the IMDb)

Additional Edit:

I almost forgot to mention this one. I've mentioned it a few times, but not many people seem to remember this one: Repo Man

And a couple of more honorable mentions:
The Hunger (Tony Scott's first film, made before "Top Gun". When I showed clips of this during a presentation I did back at Film School, I had a couple of classmates ask me about the film, and one of them stated that he was going to have to see the whole film)

WarGames (another great one).
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Some more great titles added.

Keep 'em coming people!

Here's another few...

- Time After Time
- Silverado
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (nowhere near as good as 2001, but still worth mention to me for this thread)
- Cocoon
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