Favorite Movies from the 80's that nobody seems to talk about anymore

Top Secret--w/ a very young Val Kilmer....same guys from Airplane made it (1984)
Airplane was first though. Setting the stage. Kentucky Fried Movie funny as well

-The Live
-Monster squad
-Top secret
-Big trouble in little china
-red dawn
-max overdrive
-young guns
-the lost boys
-neverending story

crap i know i'm missing like 40 others, most of you already said
I always thought it and the sequel were really good and about the only thing with Richard Chamberlain I liked.

Me too. Sharon Stone was hot in those movies. I still laugh at the Kazam guy when he gets the dynomite stick and screams "I GOT IT" !!! BOOM!
Sorry if this has been mentioned but HOUSE, starring William Katt.

Many of these films I have either in my collection or on my Amazon wishlist.
Just One of the Guys
My Tutor
Heaven Help Us
Hollywood Knights
Book of Love
The Flamingo Kid
Cannery Row
The In Crowd
Romancing the Stone
Midnight Madness
Bachelor Party
Armed and Dangerous
The Money Pit
Night Shift
the couple i can think of are

howard the duck!!! i loved this film as a kid and the woman actor in it was hot

little monsters starring fred savage classic 80's film i loved it

garbage pale kids

freaks starring keanu reeves and his partner from bill and ted that was a weird film
I know a couple of these have been mentioned.

The Wraith - Before Charlie decided to be a bad boy.
Spaced Invaders - I loved the Martians.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - I'm not sure if this one was from the 70's or 80's, but it was so stupid it was funny.
No mention of See No Evil, Hear No Evil "I learnt this at the Braille lnstitute. They told us to feel around and see what's happening."
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