Father and son Boba/Jango


New Member
Didnt take many pics of the builds during the build but here was my first attempt at this hobby, Boba Fett for my 6 yr old and Jango for me.
Feedback appreciated..... (go easy...i am sensitive hehe)
Thanks.. He loves the costume..until he wears it! we soon discovered that our costumes were awful for trick or treating, couldnt see a thing through that green visor after about 6pm! (So my son spent most of the night making me carry his helmet.) Both costumes were pretty warm too, i was soaked to the skin after about an hour of wandering!!
SO fun!!! I love parent/kid sets. You guys look great too.

Thanks.. He loves the costume..until he wears it! we soon discovered that our costumes were awful for trick or treating, couldnt see a thing through that green visor after about 6pm! (So my son spent most of the night making me carry his helmet.) Both costumes were pretty warm too, i was soaked to the skin after about an hour of wandering!!

The comfort thing is really important to some kids. My youngest is fine suffering through the process of becoming something else, my oldest, not at all.
I enjoy the father son set thing too, so does my little one... although his idea of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader for next year may have to get shot down... at 5' 9" i dont think i can pull it off! I would look more like the guy from Spaceballs!
I enjoy the father son set thing too, so does my little one... although his idea of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader for next year may have to get shot down... at 5' 9" i dont think i can pull it off! I would look more like the guy from Spaceballs!

Not in comparison to your son! :)

One year for fun I went as Darth Vader - a 6' small framed Vader with my husband as Luke - he's 5'10 to a dress up at the Philly Orchestra.
Thanks. That was my original plan also... until my son reminded me that he should be Boba because Jango's his dad!.. cant argue with that.
This is what our obsession is all about! you should hold your head high among all those sad men who call themselves a Dad whilst they sign their paltry child support checks and pat themselves on there stiff backs! Fair Gentles, I subbmit to thee that there exist a better way. A way to engage with our sons in deeper bonding then T-ball and jersey's! We must continue to share our pursuit with our boys and show them that real men PUT IN THE TIME!!!!!!! The time that most Dad's spend in front of the TV, The time that men dedicate to teams of strangers wearing silly uniforms in other states chasing a ball is spent creating memories for our sons! I say Well done Sir, I Say Well Done!