Fallout 3 Laser Rifle


Sr Member
Hey guys, just wrapped up this build as a commission a couple of days ago. Figured if there were any fans of the series, you'd enjoy a look.

This was a really, really rushed project - I only had about 35 hours into it over the course of a coupe weeks. I wish I could have put some more time into the details, but I still like the finished result.




...and a Fallout-ized one in the graphic style of the game:


Build-up HERE if anyones interested (hurray MDF!)

Update 3.4.10 - V2 is finished! Most of this thread details the build of V2, not V1.


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That's frakking brilliant, dude!

I've never played the game, but I've LOVED the design of that rifle ever since they started airing ads for the game prior to its release. :thumbsup :thumbsup
wow, that is fantastic. Love the weathering, too. I've been working on the Alien Blaster from F3 off and on for a few months, this is good motivation to get off my ass and get more work done!
On a related note, here's one of the most awesome video game promotional items EVER... spotted this in a Best Buy in my area back in the spring... several months after the game had come out, and they were still proudly displaying it, at the front of the store:


By comparing it to the door next to it, you can get a sense of how large it is. It easily stood 7-8 feet tall! :cool

I'd LOVE to own one of those, along with the life-size statues of the Incredible Hulk (put into theaters last summer for the release of the most recent movie) and the Silver Surfer (put into theaters for the release of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer) but I'd have nowhere to put them! They're just so... HUGE!!! :confused
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:eek Now that is amazing!!!!! It actually looks like an ingame shot of the rifle yet it looks so functional! If you decide to do a run at any stage or any of the armor let us know:D
Wow, just wow! The build is awesome, but the paintjob is even better!!!

Thanks guys! Yeah, the paintjob is really what saved this piece. I was a bit worried abut how it would turn out when I did the first pass of primer - I've been working on so many crazy-smooth things recently that I didn't think it would all come out alright.

Once I started with the weathering though, everything fell into place. Now, I wish I could keep it for my own collection!
That's why I couldn't do commissions for people, I'd end up loving the thing so much I'd have to build two and I'd end up just as poor as I started. :lol

Great job man on that man. The paint job really sells it. There are so many cool guns in fallout, it's great to see some people actually tackling them and doing it well for that matter. :thumbsup
Excellent work as always. It really has a sense of weight and functionality.
I'd imagine after the last month or so you're in need of a vacation.
Necro-bumping my own thread with a bit of an update.

The guys at Bethesda (!!!) noticed the work I did on my rush build, and commissioned me to make them an AER-9 to display in their offices in Maryland. As this piece will be living in the halls of the game's creator, I've decided to put a little more than 40 hours into the project this time around.

I'm actually pretty happy to get another crack at this gun. The rushed job I did the first time was fine, but its great to go over it again and get all the details set.

Here are a few shots of the overall progress over the past couple of months. I'm hoping (weather permitting) that I can go to paint this weekend, and have a finished product by the end of next week.






Amazing work! You've completely captured the look and "vibe" of the rifle.

I'm currently playing Fallout 3, and I think I'm getting more interested in building props from computer games.

Your ASHPD is similarly amazing - thanks for documenting your builds so completely!
I've said it before but I'll say it again. That is ABSOLUTELY beautiful! And commissioned by Bethesda is like a dream! Thanks for sharing that story.